Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Backyard Visitor

My older DSLR camera is lying at the ready on the dining room table. It is also attached to a monopod. This is not me being messy but by Sue's request.

When she put out the bird bath for the season, she wanted to be able to photograph visiting birds. As good as she is with her iPhone, it doesn't really do the trick for these long, fast photos. I attached my longest lens, and set up the camera, so she could just turn it on and shoot.

She picks it up from time to time and catches a bird in the bath.

Meanwhile, I saw a chipmunk scurrying around the yard, so I took a few photos.

Here it was digging in the mulch.

It hopped up onto the flowerpot to check it out. No flowers yet, which is a good thing since we experienced another frost warning last night. I even turned the furnace back on this morning — just for awhile, you understand.

From there, it did move to the bath, but chipmunks aren't birds, and they don't seem to bathe. They do drink but not on this day. So cute. Why are chipmunks cute but squirrels not so much — at least to me?

It was quite interested in the pot of violas. I had purchased it for indoors, but it is surviving outdoors for now.

As you may have noticed, we have forget-me-nots strewn about. They are particularly noticeable in the third photo. I haven't made an effort to photograph them as such yet this year. I probably will at some point although they will undoubtedly looks the same as every other year.

After the previous post, two of you mentioned sowing forget-me-not seeds. Go ahead, but there's no hurry, for they won't bloom this year.
Myositis plants are relatively easy to propagate, whether via seed or by division.

Most garden forget-me-nots will be biennial, growing from seeds dispersed in late summer and fall, flowering and dispersing seed the following year, and dying afterwards.

But because they self-seed readily, it’s easy to keep your flower patch going.
After letting them go to seed, I shake the plants to scatter seeds. They take hold where they will and flower in the next spring. These are descendants of my dad's forget-me-nots that he sowed at our place over 40 years ago. I transported them here 18 years past, and they return every year. It pleases me greatly to greet them once again in spring and to be reminded of my dad.


  1. I like your chipmunk photos - especially the last one of chippie taking a moment to smell the flowers. How lovely that you grow Forget Me Not flowers from your Dad's plants. I really like the shade of blue that they are. While not a root from my Mother's plant, we her children all grow Bleeding Hearts in our gardens in memory of our Mother, it was one of her favourites, that & Morning Glories.

  2. I find chipmunks cute, too. And I love seeing this one enjoying the smells. :-)

  3. We have the heat on again this morning. Brrr…

    Chipmunks are the cutest!

  4. Great to have the same strain of forget me nots which are definitely living up to their name. Loved the chipper...they are pretty fast, and don't live in trees, as opposed to squirrels.

  5. Now I fancy getting some forgetmenot seeds! Not chipmunks though. one flooded a friend's house by chewing through a vital basement water pipe, one exploded another friend's dishwasher, fire, police, everything. The guilty bodies found in the resulting debris.No chipmunks, thank you.

  6. Chipmunks are cuter than black squirrels. I like to see the grey squirrels too. Last year, one was cutting my yellow flowers, which I liked so much. No idea why it was so adamant to ruin every flower on one particular plant. He was not eating it either.

  7. Chipmunks just are cuter than squirrels.
    We are resisting turning on the furnace but it is a bit cool in here.

  8. Chipmunks are just cute! As for forget-me-nots, it's getting rid of them that's the problem! No, I love them and wait for them to fade before pulling them up - only to grow again next year.

  9. Very nice pics of the chipmunk. They don't exist in Hawaii.

  10. I may be mammalian biased I guess…. but I really like chipmunks and squirrels…. Even more so than birds…. so while our feeder is “for” birds….. my bigger enjoyment (sometimes to the chagrin of my wife) is in watching the chipmunks and squirrels.

    Great photos of the chipmunks!


  11. Wonderful chipmunk photos!
    The forget-me-nots are gorgeous and what a loving reminder of your father.
    Stay safe & well, AC!

  12. That last photo is sweet. Squirrels are bigger and bushier. They don't have the pretty markings. Some of them are quite aggressive.

  13. Chipmunks are quite the photo subject and have always been too fast moving for me to capture, so your images were quite nice to see. And, the flowers were a colorful addition.

  14. I love chippies, but they are so dumb!
    I keep trying with FMK, but I'm not sure about them.
    I did OK with the cold last night and flowers.
    I like leaving my camera up on the tripod.

  15. Sharp pictures with that DSLR too!

  16. Good catch of the chipmunk and the story to go with it.

  17. Chippies are far more attractive than squirrels. Their name is easily contracted. We don't have squirrilies after age two. Chippies have a lovely racing stripe. And, they are fun to hunt down for the perfect picture.

  18. I thought chipmunks were cute until they started digging under our concrete steps in the front and the walkway making it cave in a bit. Squirrels on the other hand just planted nuts all over the place that sprouted in spring.

  19. These are dandy. You do use that lens well. Chipmunk and birdbath does it for me.
