Wednesday, May 10, 2023

First Light and First Mowing

The next morning after posting the moon from my bedroom, I photographed it again: much earlier this time — 4:38 to be precise. This time, I used my iPhone right from where I lay on the bed. I raised the phone, snapped the pic, and tried to go back to sleep. Of course, the attempt proved to be futile.

I only saw the top third from my pillow. I was surprised to see the
other lights from raising the camera up.

So that was my first light of day, which was just really the moon. Then later that morning, well after first light, came the first mowing, but of course, there's a little backstory to be told.

The grandkid's father had helped us the get the lawnmower down from the shelves in the garage. That was the previous day, Sunday, and I purposed to cut the grass the next day, Monday.

We share a tiny lawn with our neighbour. While most of our half is garden or mulch, we do have some grass. Her side is mostly grass. I mow more often than she does, which is fine. She cuts the grass sometimes, but whoever does the job, we mow the other person's portion as well.

She's away right now, but some folk are looking after her place, and we were pleased to see the guy get out the lawnmower. Him doing it on Sunday would save me from doing it on Monday.

Or so I thought.

Except he left our little section.

Who can tell the mind of a 20-something male?

We took some pictures before I mowed on Monday, and we had a good laugh over the absurdity.

Hopefully, you can see the difference between their left side and our right portion. You are seeing just about all of our grassy section, on the right in the photos. Who knows why he decided that leaving it was preferable to taking extra 3 minutes to mow it as well.


Patio Postcards said...

I did chuckle at your lawn mowing situation. Who knows maybe he comes from a neighbourhood where touching another man's lawn is under "mine" rule/law (col).

Marie Smith said...

It is one of the times when your bit of lawn was a blade too far!. Hilarious really.

DJan said...

That is really curious. I think he was probably trying to be thoughtful? :-)

Jenn Jilks said...

Ah, 20-somethings!
You'd think they might have asked!

Barbara Rogers said...

Sorry the moon was awakening time...did the same thing here. It's so very intrusive sometimes! Grass mowing situation is really funny. Some scissors could do the trick!

Ed said...

From experience, I would never mow someone's grass without first asking them. Some people are very particular in how they want their grass mowed so they can account for height, direction of mow and where the discharged grass ends up. I'm guessing the young man probably contemplated all these things and without knowing you, decided it was best not to mow it.

But I will move a neighbor's snow because it seems less problematic as long as it is cleared from the desired surface and placed upon the remaining snow.

Jeanie said...

We did our first mow, too and have the same arrangement. Maybe no one told the mower!

gigi-hawaii said...

Oh well, why work harder than you need to???

RedPat said...

He didn't want to presume that you wanted your grass cut? Crazy.

Margaret said...

I mow my shared front yard 99% of the time. The youngish couple living next to me have 5 kids so I have way more time. However, several times when the wife has mowed, she's left my section. Which boggles my mind! Perhaps they think they're overstepping if they go onto someone else's property without permission?

PipeTobacco said...

I presume like some others suggested that he may know some folks who would get riled up if you mowed their lawn. Some folks DO get rather persnickety about such things, unfortunately. I would be DELIGHTED to have some grant me the gift of not having to the contrarian, infernal mower once in a while. :)


Tom said...

On another subject -- love those tulips!

Joanne Noragon said...

And when you mow first and do all of his, then in future he will leave the entire job to you.

Red said...

You never know what was going through his head.

William Kendall said...

I had a morning this morning where 4 AM was the end of the line for my sleep.

Debby said...

I'm going to suggest that perhaps since he did not know you or your preferances, he was afraid to give offense. Let me tell you, just yesterday, I was cleaning the basement of the rental. It was just chockablock full of stuff the previous tenants abandoned. Being a thrifty sort, I was separating usable stuff from the 'crap', and loading the usable stuff into my car to haul to goodwill. The house next door has a hugely overgrown lawn. Broken windows. Really a neglected sad little house. I set a box down to go to the trash. Unbeknownst tto me, it was a bit over on the property next door. A young man came tearing out to throw an absolute hissy fit. I tried to speak with him about it. Truly I would have picked up the box. It wasn't going to be left. He ignored me. People get touchy about their lawns. We have had people get angry because we cut our grass shorter than theirs. We have had them get mad because we don't cut our grass often enough. I'm a great believer in Lawn order, but some people get down right mean about it. Best not to take chances.

Bindu said...

I will say Debby is right. Your neighbour might not have told the young man, it will be fine to mow your lawn as well. But, we never know what a 20-something thinks in their head. Youngsters may not be even thinking about helping others.

Kay said...

Maybe he thought you might be upset if he touched your grass. It's possible. There are touchy people around who are very sensitive about their grassy space. I have seen a couple of neighbors whose lawn you just know they don't want anyone to touch.