Monday, February 14, 2022

M'Lady's Photo Dedication

I have mentioned Sue's dedication to her Facebook photo group. She is given one theme for the week plus a more specific prompt for each day. I asked her for three sample photos along with their descriptions for my blog — the descriptions that she originally posted to her group.

The group is given a weekly theme, followed by an additional suggestion for each day. One weekly theme was Motivation, and one of the daily prompts was Different Angle. Sue was to express the idea of motivation from a different angle. This ↓ is the photo that she posted with her description to the group below (in italics).

On this grey, snowy February morning I was motivated to dig out this bright top so I could wear a butterfly on my shoulder, to remind myself that colour will return to my world again. It will! Mother Nature is working her wonders in the cold dark soil under the piles of snow in my front yard, and when the snow melts, tulips and daffodils will rise again to colour my world, and delight the butterflies. It always amazes me that such beauty can come from that cold dark place. A life lesson for sure. If you are in a cold dark place in your life right now, hang on.

Personally, I have neither the creativity nor the patience to do this sort of thing. I just have to follow my own muse and photograph what I want to photograph when I want to do it. Sue, however, is creative and also willing to put the necessary thought and time into complying with the prompts. She will take many photos until she finds one that she likes.

She recently had a whole week with a Food theme. One day, the additional, daily prompt was Incredible.

Oh my, another learning curve for me. Hmmmm, where do I begin with this challenge? I think it is incredible that in the middle of my snowy, colder than cold world, I have fresh blueberries available to me. MMMMM, delicious too.

A subsequent prompt was Food/Ideal.

I didn't have to think too long or too hard for this one. Apples are my ideal food. After all "one a day keeps the doctor away", and they are delicious fresh and crunchy or cooked in a delicious pie or apple crisp. Yum, yum, yum!

For that third photo with the apples, m'lady commandeered me to hold a flashlight for her at just the right angle. I held and held while she clicked and clicked until she got what she wanted.

Immediately and forthwith, once she was finally done, I went upstairs, got onto Amazon, and ordered a set of very inexpensive lights. It wasn't that I was peeved to hold the light; it just popped into my pea brain that there might be a better solution.

The lights are for me too although I expect that she will get much more use. I already have a ring flash to do macro photos with my camera, but Sue needed something like this for phone photography. I will use them too as they over some advantages over the ring flash.


Patio Postcards said...

WOW - I like Sue's photo & especially the words around her pink top with butterfly. This could be used for Bell's Let's Talk campaign. Is there a link for this photo group?

The blueberries & apples photos are really quite good - well done Sue!!!

I've been toying with a light box - my crafting store has them on sale, these might just push me over the budget!

Anvilcloud said...

@Patio Postcard: you might find some inexpensive lightboxes on Amazon, just as these lights were relatively inexpensive. One would probably work sufficiently, at least until you decided you were really into it. Look for 2022 365PictureToday on Facebook to find the group. It’s private, but maybe you can still join as Sue did. You may be able to leave out the 2022 — not sure.

BTW, I imagine that there may be a lightbox in our future too.

Barbara Rogers said...

Wonderful photos to meet prompts from Sue. Yes, a light box is an excellent idea if you have 365 photos to take! I never got one for my pottery, though most potters who want to be in juried shows do have them, and take all their photos of their work that way. I preferred to not go pro, and just either had natural backgrounds, or the black poster-board on a shelf.

Marie Smith said...

Such a great hobby for Sue. I love how she met the challenges.

Jeanie said...

Sue's photography is really lovely. I admire the challenge concept but can't get into it all that well. A lot of my favorite art bloggers do it and I like the idea of it but lack the motivation. Yet, it's good discipline, so hats off. (And the lights are a brilliant idea!)

gigi-hawaii said...

I am so impressed with Sue'a photography and writing! And you were sweet to buy her those lights. Great idea!

MARY G said...

;I am not surprised at Sue's creative genius - runs in the family. Look at her sister.
Great idea on the lights. Hmm.

Margaret said...

Such beautiful photos and words. Sue is extremely creative and eloquent. Apple crisp is my favorite!

William Kendall said...

The butterfly pattern is neat.

PipeTobacco said...

I like your wife’s photos that you have shared. I like the IDEA of creative prompts… but like you I think I tend to shy away from the notion of them because then they feel almost like work.


The Furry Gnome said...

Sue is certainly creative!

Joanne Noragon said...

Creative prompts, shared with a group, are wonderful for everyone.

Goldendaze-Ginnie said...

That's a great way for Sue and you to keep the old mind in shape ... while waiting for the Pandemic to go away. Oh, and where did little Danika go? What a beautiful young lady she had become.

peppylady (Dora) said...

I took photography in high school. I wish I knew more about digital cameras and how to use them.
Coffee is on and stay safe

Jenn Jilks said...

I think it important to have a yin and yang in our lives.
It's fun you have a different approach.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Kudos to Sue (sorry about the unintended rhyme) for her dedication and more so her creativity. While I understand what you mean about taking photos when and where you want and of whatever you want, there is something to be said for an assigned subject. For one thing, it does reduce some anxiety about “what” to do. Then, the creativity can set in as Sue's images and words show here. Can you provide some into on that kight setup, AC, as I am sure a few other bloggers might be interested as well and thanks in advance.

Anvilcloud said...

@Beatrice: here is a link to the setup that we ordered. You would most likely find the same item on your Amazon and cheaper too.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks AC for the,link, which didn’t seem to work for me so could you add a product name which I could then search for online, thanks.

Anvilcloud said...

This will work. You just had to change the .ca to .com, which I have now done for you.

UBeesize LED Video Light Kit