Saturday, February 05, 2022

Brain Lapses, Cop Calls, and Fried Eggs

On a day when my brain decided to post two blogs and Sue's brain decided to butt dial 911, I also decided to make eggs for breakfast.

No, it wasn't an actual butt dial (but that's what we call it), just an errant finger. Don't despair, I didn't set the house on fire while making breakfast, and the eggs were tolerable —  barely though. (I just needed an opening that might possibly have grab your attention.)

Once Sue assured the 911 dispatchers that all was well over the phone*, I headed downstairs. Although I recently posted about making french toast, I seldom make a real breakfast but usually just have cold cereal. (Please note that a fellow blogger, Kate, has assured me that the Canadian Press style has it as french toast, french-fried, french bread, french door, etc.)

Breakfast is the one meal that Sue and I don't share. We tend to eat at different times and in our own corners while doing our own things.

With that out of the way, I now present my preferred method for doing quick fried eggs in the morning.

1. I put the round circle container rings in the pan along with a dollop of butter.

 2. The butter on one side of the pan melted soon. Since Sue prefers eggs hard, and this one will cook longer, that will be hers. After adding the egg, I sprinkle cheese on top. 

3. I have flipped ↓ Sue's egg — a little too soon, as it broke. Sometimes, I can keep the egg inside the ring when I flip but not on this morning. The second photo shows both eggs after the flips. I should also note that I deliberately break the yoke on Sue's egg but not on mine.

4. Because I like my eggs just a wee bit runny, I have set it aside while I let Sue's cook longer.

5. They are ready ↓ to be taken upstairs to my lady. The English muffin got a little cool while I was finishing the eggs. The hardest thing for me to do in the kitchen is to time two things, but you'd think one could time toast fer cryin out loud. However, the morning had begun with two blog posts and a 911 butt call, so I guess it would have been a little much to expect to get this little something right.

Brekkie was only fair-ta-middlin. The last time that I made eggs, they were pretty well top notch, but I found mine very mediocre this time. Perhaps, it was the English muffin which was both just warm and also a trifle stale.

I don't know why I buy English muffins. I don't like them all that much, and Sue must not either as they have sat for a week-and-a-half and there are still two left.

There was once a brand called Thomas: a company that made both English muffins and crumpets. They were so much better than what can now purchase. Thomas disappeared from the shelves at least five years ago. It has been a sad passing that I still mourn on a regular basis.

* I took care to add "over the phone" to how this errant 911 call was dealt with. There was a time, 17 years ago actually, when Sue also did that, and the police came to the house to make sure that all was okay, certainly giving me the once over. I assume that it now happens too often to be able to follow up like this. They do take care to assure themselves as best as possible over the phone.

Now, Sue has reminded me that JJ also did it when he was a toddler. His dad gave him an old phone to play with, but we learned that old phones can dial emergency, even without sim cards if the phone is still charged. We were babysitting, and two police came to the door. Fun times.


Marie Smith said...

It is good to know that people, most often women, can get help when things go bad. Breakfast looks good, AC.

Boud said...

You're a meticulous short order cook, AC.

when I was setting up a phone with rapid dial and wanted 911 to be on the list, I accidentally dialled it twice. The responder grilled me to make sure I didn't need help. I was impressed with her instructions, such as if there's a weapon,just say yes. If you are being threatened say yes, etc. All designed so that I didn't have to say much that would enrage an abuser if that was the situation. I did convince her I really was okay just dial challenged.

Barbara Rogers said...

Having just fixed my breakfast, in the middle of reading your blog, I can empathize with the food temperature problem. We still get Thomas' English muffins...and several other brands which use the same color scheme for their packaging. I like them toasted, flooded in butter and with marmalade!

Karen said...

yum, now you have me craving!
We don't even have a cell signal at our house so no danger of making errant calls. It can be a curse I tell 'ya.

Ed said...

I have never used egg rings to make eggs. I just let them free form or I guess when I make toad in a hole which essentially is cutting a hole in the middle of a slice of bread and adding the egg and letting it cook on both side.

I'm pretty sure we can still get Thomas English muffins here. I love English muffins and have a recipe to make my own English muffin bread which tastes just like them but in sliced bread format.

Marcia said...

First picture looks like a face in the pan. I use butter for fried eggs because the white doesn't get crispy as it does with spray olive oil.

Killer Dave makes some good whole grain English muffins. Do you have Killer Dave breads in your store?

Margaret said...

I looked on my store ordering app and we have many Thomas Nooks and Crannies muffins. I'm not sure if that's the same thing or not. Fair to middling or not, I love eggs in any form except poached. I like runny yolks but not slimy whites! Alison dialed 911 when she was a toddler and they called me back to find out why. We often did call 911 from that house because we lived on a corner where there were numerous accidents. The girls used to argue over who got to dial 911.

Celia said...

Wow, where did you find those egg rings? I love eggs but am not as manually talented with making them nice as in days of yore. Those look great. We still have Thomas Muffins (nooks and crannies) here in E Washington. I wonder if you could order them? I mostly seem to "butt dial" my sister, can't figure out how though.

MARY G said...

The egg dish was staring at me in the first photo.
I have never misdialled 911. Yet. Give me time.
Yes, french if not a Frenchman or the country. My fave, though, was a sign outside Montreal some years ago that advertised French Frites.

William Kendall said...

I have yet to misdial 911.

Vicki Lane said...

You are a good man to fix breakfast for Sue!

The Furry Gnome said...

You certainly got my attention, and you do sound like you live an exciting life with all those 911 calls!

Joanne Noragon said...

I like egg rings.

DrumMajor said...

What a thoughtful guy you are. We have Bay's English Muffins but they're in the refrigerator section at the store. I like them because they're already split and don't argue with my toaster too often. I can make an Egg McMuffin at home pretty fast. I inherited my Aunt's tiny little skillet: it holds one egg, and is easy to flip with a small spatula.
How cute that the little kids dialed 911. Never thought that they could do that. Linda in Kansas

peppylady (Dora) said...

I've seen Thomas breads before here in States, or lease in my area.
Coffee is on and stay safe

Blondi Blathers said...

We've had the RCMP knocking on our door twice in the last two weeks in the middle of the night. They've received 911 calls from a neighbour who no longer lives in the farmyard next door, but a mile or two south now. We have redirected the RCMP and worried about our neighbours -- what happened? are they okay? -- the second call was a hangup, the officer said, so that could mean someone tried to get help and the phone was taken from her. I haven't mentioned this on my blog because I don't want to embarrass the neighbours who would probably prefer their business remain their own, but I am concerned about the wife. Unfortunately I don't know her well enough to let her know I might know something's going on and offer a place to go or some support, and she has a mother here and surely many friends so it isn't like she's alone with no help. But just in case ... I'm trying to think of a way to be a help without sticking my nose in where it's not wanted.
I had no problem going back to sleep after these nocturnal knockings, but Scott sat up and made himself a cup of chamomile tea.

Debby said...

Thomas' English muffins are still available here. They are sold by Bimbo (pronounced BEEM-Bo) bread, I actually know about these things, because my son was an automation engineer for the plant in Allentown PA for a number of years. A little tip to you from his time there: Bimbo bread supplies a number of entities, from Aldis to name brand breads. The thing is: exact same bread recipe, just packaged differently. Totally not joking.

Jenn Jilks said...

Oh my.
I used to like crumpets.
We eat at different times for both brekkie and lunch!

Jeanie said...

I THINK we still see Thomas English Muffins here in the the states. I'll have to check and if we do, the next time Rick goes to Ottawa.... someday.... I'll send some with him for you! Don't bank on it soon, though! Breakfast is so personal, I'm not surprised you eat differently or separately. Rick and I are much the same!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

So sorry to read you cannot purchase Thomas brand English muffins, AC. If you could cross the border and come to NH you will find many varieties in the supermarkets

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