Sunday, April 04, 2021

Naked Dreams

Have you ever dreamed that you were naked in public. This ↓ tweet stirred memories.

In my whole lifetime, I can only recall two such dreams.

One was back in my childhood. I had caught the bus (city, not school) to take home after school. I don't know why because I always walked home. In the dream, I found myself sitting in my seat, naked, in a crowded bus. It was not a happy dream.

Decades later, I dreamed that I was walking naked in the main hall of the school where I taught. There were all sorts of students in the corridor, and I was naked and mortified.

The odd part is that in both dreams, as I recall them, no one seemed to notice. I don't know what this means or if I should be insulted that no one noticed my glorious body.

Have you experienced naked dreams? Do you want to share, maybe in your own blog if it is too long to post in a comment here?


Marie Smith said...

I have never remembered dreams until the last few months. None of those exciting ones yet.

Barbara Rogers said...

Happy Easter! Nope, my anxiety dreams never had me naked anywhere. Wonder what that means! I was part of a dream group for about a year...we'd meet weekly and share about a dream we had, and how we each thought it meant...and give very gentle comments to each other. It was kind of fun. The author of the book which started our group said that dreams are messages to ourselves to help us. I still have flashes of dreams, but don't pay as much attention to them any more. Maybe it's something else I've grown out of.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Nope never experienced naked dreams and can’t even fully remember most these days. That said, I have awakened remembering bits & pieces and wished more could be recalled. Happy 🐰🐣Easter to you and Sue.

Shammickite said...

No naked dreams recently. But I often wake up with a very clear memory of an exciting "adventure story" dream in full colour where I can remember who was there, who said what and where it all happened, but after a few minutes of getting back to daytime reality (bathroom visit, radio on, coffee on) the memory is blurred.

Debby said...

I have. A few days ago, I had a dream that I could not find pants to wear, so that's an improvement, I guess. Is my anxiety resolving? Hmmmm....

Margaret said...

In my "schoolmares" in August, I would often dream about forgetting to get dressed, and showing up at school naked, or missing a critical article of clothing.

Vicki Lane said...

Not the naked dreams but the common one of it being the end of term and I have to take an exam for a class I've neglected to attend. And I don't know where the room is. Also, I've several times, in normal years in the week before Easter, dreamed that it was the day od our big party and I haven't made any preparations.

Red said...

I know I've had naked dreams but I cannot remember what they were.

DJan said...

I know I have had them but cannot recall them right now. The only way I know for sure I've had them is feeling of panic I felt when I read your post. :-)

The Furry Gnome said...

Sorry, no naked dreams here

Rita said...

I think I did in grade school but can't remember exactly the circumstances of the dream. I think they're pretty common from the sounds of it.

Christina said...

No naked dreams lately, or that I can remember but I do have remember dreams where I wake up thinking why did people in my dreams not notice this or that.

MARY G said...

I have never had one. My anxiety dreams all have to do with not having enough food to feed the horde or not being able to pack in time. My mother's classic was quite weird. She dreamed of falling in an elevator.
The emperor? Clothes? Hmmm.

Ed said...

Once upon a time when I was younger, and more easily shamed I guess. I haven't had one in decades but I'm guessing that is because I carry less shame than I used too.

Jenn Jilks said...

Not me!
I'm always having nightmares about not finding my classroom, getting lost in a large school, losing my control of the classroom!