Friday, September 13, 2019

Raed Tihs

I saw this ↓ on FB and did this rather easily.

But no, I am not all that smart because everyone reading this can do it.

I do something similar with great regularity, even when I am not supposed to. Without trying I tend to insert the word that my brain tells me should be there. But sometimes, I realize that the writer actually wrote a different word. The nerve! And I suppose that I often don't even catch myself and continue reading completely oblivious to my faux pas.

Sometimes, I read something, and then say to myself, "Huh?" because what I had just read, or thought that I had read, just doesn't make sense. So, I go back to re-read and get it all sorted in my head. Once again, I wonder how often I read it wrong without catching myself.

A few years ago, when I was trying, with poor results, to learn to fiddle, I sometimes had a heckuva time playing what was written because I was inserting what I thought the next note should be. My teacher would stop me and say that I was playing it the way Beethoven would have written it, but that is not the note that this composer used.

It was an odd situation because I partly played by note and partly by ear and, if truth be told, did neither well. But sometimes when I was trying to read the notes, I would still playing what felt right to my ear without catching myself.

So really, that is all more dumb than smart. Sadly.


Marie Smith said...

As teachers, we learned how to decipher inventive spelling. It was not as easy to decipher as this stuff usually.

Should Fish More said...

Lot's of variations of this out there: only including every 3rd letter of any word, most can read it, else can we deal with the current methods of communication, where anything longer than two sentences is 'TLTR' (too long to read)?

Joanne Noragon said...

And then there is google, finishing sentences for us, changing spelling, inserting words. Seriously. It's past infuriating.

Mara said...

It's basically predictive reading isn't it? You sort of know what the next word should be and the fact it is spelt wrong, doesn't really matter as the word is there as your mind tells you.

Tabor said...

I also find that I misread a word putting in something that comes to my mind. I usually catch myself, but now I wonder if there are times that I miss it and thus misunderstand the writer.

Jenn Jilks said...

Fast readers do predict a word. We check it and if it fits we move on. If it doesn't fit our brain makes us go back. I loved teaching reading.

William Kendall said...

Sometimes that happens to me.