Monday, July 01, 2024


I was having a discussion in my house with Sue and another woman when I decided to say, "Excuse me ladies, I think that I shall go put my pants on." 

This was not one of those naked dream situations. It was my reality. The similarity to my dreams, however, was that no one really noticed my nakedness. Not just then anyway. .

At the time of my declaration, we were all in our little bathroom. Sadie, the nurse, had come by to teach me how install an intermittent catheter: the kind one inserts temporarily and then removes once voiding has been accomplished.

You see, it was my first time at trying this, so I required some guidance from a competent medic. A helping hand as it were if you catch my drift.

When the deed was done and I had flowed and then ceased, there I remained sitting pantless whilst discussion ensued. When it came to the point that it was mostly Sue and Sadie discussing the general logistics of the equipment (not my personal equipment, you understand!)  that I excused myself for a minute so that I could don my pants.

This is how it goes in this stage of my life. I no longer feel shame. Or pride for that matter.

I suspect that a little more will need to be written about the whys and wherefores of this new part of my life, but I think I will leave it right there for today. If you don't mind.


Barbara Rogers said...

Yikes! Good for you to endure this necessary step in your health...not an easy thing to live with of course, but when it's needed, it's just another assistance thing. And having two helping women there for your instruction and support definitely means that you took your pride and tucked it away for the duration. Now you can have it back, being in pants again!

Boud said...

Pantfree! But it got the job done. I hope your health does better from now on.

gigi-hawaii said...

Kind of embarrassing, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

Marie Smith said...

I pray you can have a more permanent solution, John. You have suffered through quite a bit already!

Sandra said...

You are funny! My husband also lost his inhibitions after radiation for prostate cancer. Nothing is left to the imagination.

RedPat said...

You have been through so much. I hope it all improves.

Margaret said...

Your post made me smile this morning although I don't like the reason for that. After giving birth twice, I'm not very modest any more.

DB Stewart said...

Replete with humour, this post will help many other men. I guess real heroes don't worry whether they're wearing pants or not. Insert fist-bump here.

Celia said...

After lots of medical appointments modesty seems to go into hiding or just gives up :-). Adapting to circumstances. I hope this improves your life and is as comfortable as possible. Had to correct that last word, I wrote pissable not possible.

Cloudia said...

You are actually a really good role model for aging as we all do it. Hang in there and keep your sense of humor friend. Aloha!

Anvilcloud said...

@Celia. You shouldn't have corrected it. It was almost perfect. 😉

Ed said...

Funny, as a young man, being pantless with a nurse was an erotic fantasy. But I’m quickly reaching the age where it might finally happen and it will be anything but as you have aptly described.

roentare said...

Intermittent urinary catheterisation causes urethral stricture quickly. Best not to do so more than 3 months

Vicki Lane said...

A sense of humor is necessary in these latter years.

Jeanie said...

Nope. No shame required. Best not to have it. And best of luck with this.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Praying for your good health.

God bless.

Jenn Jilks said...

You can do this!

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Awkward. I've never had to stand around pantless during a general conversation. How all is going well.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

This does sound like it will be a new part of your life and hoping it will be temporary vs. permanent. And once you explained who the women were that you were issuing your declaration to it did make more sense.

Debby said...

God, what do people with no sense of humor DO in situations like this????!!! Chin up, and get yer pants on!

Granny Sue said...

Finding humor is the key to keeping one's sanity when life gets weird, and that had to seem weird!

Kay said...

I'm so sorry you have to go through this. Sigh...
A friend of mine just told me that aging does present us with more things to deal with. You are being such a good sport in all this.