"If I were a drinking man I'd be imbibing right now."
That is what I said to Sue around 10 o'clock yesterday morning after I catheterized solo for the first time. When I say solo, Sue had lined up the necessaries: catheter, lubricant, wash cloths, drying cloths etc. It was enough for me to concentrate on the actual process.
It doesn't exactly hurt, but it doesn't tickle either.
In this early-learning stage, the process is a bit tense. It does go against the grain to do that to oneself, so I guess the hurdle is more mentally challenging than physically taxing.
The nurse will drop by again today with more supplies and advice and so on and so forth. There will be more to write soon enough, but not too much. Regular programming will resume in due course. Please stay tuned to this channel.
There are situations where it really helps to be a fast learner!
Oh, AC, I wish you could be spared this. Also Mrs AC, no fun for her either. Hoping for better days.
All the best. Hooray for nurses!
Congratulations on getting through this!
Hope that this procedure is short term for you! Good that you've learned how to do it, though I'm sorry it is necessary. Yes, I expect this channel to have some gorgeous photos any day soon!
Oh my, new challenges. I will have to catch up.
Hang n there. It certainly doesn't sound fun but if it helps, I suppose all to the good. I hope, though, that it doesn't have to last for long.
Of course we will stay tuned to this channel!
Definitely not a process that one would be eager to do. I do hope it's short term!
Good luck with it all.
I hope this is short term, if not, you will get used to it, even if you wish you didn't have to. It's really good you have a nurse helping you along. I will definitely stay tuned to the channel.
Oh my!!! I missed a lot during the time I could not read your blog!!!!!
I hope you are allowed to use a lubricant of some sort to help in that unpleasant task!!!
And perhaps a tiny bit of imbibing WOULD help too during the process (shudder).
Aren't nurses amazing?
That is quite a hassle. Your life seems to be a nuisance with this catheter thing
Of course, we will all be here waiting for the next big of information, AC, and hoping that you are doing well despite what sounds like an unpleasant process, but necessary as you have said.
I hope this regime gets easier as time goes by.
Sending sympathy and good vibes, er, whatever. I had to deal with my father's catheter after a TURP, so have a bit of an idea what you are struggling through.
May it be quick and helpful.
All the best wishes to you and a hug to both of you.
Always stay optimistic.
Yes what else...
Some situations require nothing but a sound ... OUCH!
Ob boy, you are a brave man. That can't be fun.
Please accept our encouragement! I actually have to administer an intramuscular injection to myself twice monthly. So I know what you mean about preparing everything and then just doing it! Best wishes friend. May you be healthy for many happy years. Aloha!
I had to learn to do that five years ago and have been doing it ever since - 4 times per day. I was scared the first time but it became easy on about day two, and though it sounds unpleasant, with the lube it's no problem at all.
Yikes! This sounds painful though.
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