Friday, July 26, 2024

A Good Little Outing

A week ago Thursday, we took our little daytrip to Athens. Yesterday, also Thursday, we thought to take another little trip. Afterall, it would, apparently, be the only non-blistering-hot day for the next two weeks.

But (and isn't there always a but in life), it was so cool and cloudy and so not-nice, that we were dissuaded. 

We did, however, take a very short drive to a cottagy area not far outside of town, Sue remembered seeing a very dilapidating cottage and thought that it would make a nice subject for a photoshoot.

I had a b&w result in mind when I took the photo.

After I also later fiddled with the original colour version, I decided, for awhile at least, that I liked it even more than the b&w.

Then, I decided that I really did like the b&w better, and then . . .

Well, you get the idea. I can't choose, or at least my choice keeps changing.

It wasn't a big outing, but it was a good outing.


Marie Smith said...

Love both of these, AC. Hard to choose.

gigi-hawaii said...

I have always loved color, so, of course, I much prefer the blue house.

DJan said...

They are both good, but the color pops for me.

Barbara Rogers said...

What a sad little old house...but the blue color makes up for how the B&W gives me such a forlorn feeling.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

What a great photo subject either version, but I liked the B&W version a tad more, AC. It would really look great with a bit of drama added like an ominous sky perhaps?.

Debby said...

I like the black and white better. It screams 'long ago' to me.

Marcia said...

What I find interesting is that the B & W version makes you think the house is white but it's blue! And what a striking color of blue. I like the color version. What body of water is that?

Anvilcloud said...

@Marcia: It is the MIssissippi River but not THAT Mississippi River. It runs though our town in Eastern Ontario, then into the Ottawa River, which in turn flows into the STLawrence and then to the Atlantic Ocean. I usually don’t both naming it in my posts because it confuses people. 🤓

Sandra said...

There is also the possibility of liking both on their own merits. Which I do. I saw Mississippi River and thought 'what?' before reading the rest of the sentence. It starts as a little mudhole in northern MN. Strange that it becomes what it is.

Margaret said...

I find those small outings to be the best. Much less stress. (or driving) I prefer the black and white although I like both!

Jenn Jilks said...

I enjoyed your outing! There must be stories around that house.

roentare said...

That house is barely standing. Looks so good though

peppylady (Dora) said...

Wonder what tells the old house might have.

Red said...

I can see what you mean when you go back and forth from the two options.

Joanne Noragon said...

I bet that was a sweet summer cottage, once.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

I much prefer the b&w. Old structures like this always look wonderful in monochome. Nice one!

Granny Sue said...

Nice that you are getting out a bit. I hope that means you are feeling better?

Celia said...

Both are good. I prefer the blue ones cuz it's one of my favorite colors and my last house was blue.

Jeanie said...

I love your outings and how you both love doing photography. I can't decide on the two. They have a different feel but I like them both.

RedPat said...

I usually go for the colour versions but this B&W really works for me.

tz_garden said...

I think I like the colored version. Maybe because it adds a touch of cheeriness to what looks like was a great little cottage for someone(s).

DB Stewart said...

Either way it would be a great exterior film set location, perhaps horror, or mystery or Scooby-doo.

The Furry Gnome said...

The colored one for me.