Sunday, July 14, 2024

The Eagles Let Me Down

Yesterday, after the awful night and my Drivel post, we went for an early morning walk. We headed out a little after 8 in an attempt to beat the heat. We did not, in point of fact, beat the heat, but we tried.

Aside from the fireworks two weeks ago, I have scarcely taken photos for a long time. On this walk, I at least thought to grab my little camera, and I did take a few flowers photos as we passed by one flowerbed. 

Sue got a snap of me taking a photo. I think it was the last one, above. BTW there is a little bee in that ↑ photo. I didn't see it at the time, and it is fizzy because it was flitting.

Although they were very off-the-cuff shots and not with the big camera, it felt good to make a bit of an effort for a change.

After the walk, we watched the Wimbledon Women's Finals.

Then, although I was pooped after the wretched night and the morning walk, I decided to mow the lawn. Thank goodness it's a small lawn. You might recall that it is mostly the neighbours' lawn, but alas it seems to be up to us for there are no neighbours at the moment. The landlord intends to sell, but in the interim, it sits idle month after month. I have no idea why.

The lawn is small, but we live in a townhouse. To access the strip out back, I have to take the lawnmower on a bit of a walk. Well actually, it was the weed whacker yesterday because the strip beyond the fence was too high for the mower. The strip, by the way, is there for each owner to access the back of their properties. Unfortunately, most owners don't bother, so I mow (or whack) the two adjacent properties as well as our own.

I got it done, but due to the night and the heat, I was feeling exhaustipated. As I carried the weed whacker back to the front, I felt as though I had to force myself to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

What a trudge it was!

I felt like the hobbits, Frodo and Sam, on their way to Mount Doom, but in my despair, I realized that the eagles were not coming to save me. Getting back to the front seemed like that hobbitish trek to me. I made it, but then I still had to wash down the mower (I had used it out front) and the whacker.

I tells ya, I don't think I've ever felt so beat in my life.

If only the eagles had come. They let me down.


Boud said...

If you live in a townhouse, how come the HOA doesn't mow? Here that's one of the benefits. I'd like you not to have to do it.

Anvilcloud said...

@Boud. It’s not a condo, so there is no overseer. They are separate properties although joined.

Debby said...

Here, the zoning people would be out in force to fine your 'neighbor'.

Just for curiosity though, (And you can ignore the question if it is rude), what do townhouses go for in your part of the world?

Barbara Rogers said...

Oh dear, I can certainly empathize with the one foot in front of the other drudge when exhaustipated! Shame on the eagles for not showing up. I find I start counting (maybe there's an OCD gene in me somewhere.) I try to count ten steps, then a second ten. Anything to keep my mind off my condition which is showing signs of wobbly steps. The heat oh my, the heat! Someone actually stopped to ask me if I were alright. I said "so-so." What was he going to do if I said, NO! Damn it I'm not at all alright!

Sandra said...

The hot weather did not help. I can understand your exhaustion and your disappointment in the eagles.

tz_garden said...

The heat can really zap the old energy tank. I hope it's cooled down there.

DrumMajor said...

Dear Mr. AC Hobbit, your wide-brimmed white hat is an excellent idea. Might want to consider a white t-shirt next time too. Just sayin'. Linda in hot Kansas

Margaret said...

I don't wash out my mower which is probably why I have to replace it too frequently! Doing anything in the heat is exhausting, especially on little sleep.

Marcia said...

Wasn't there at least a sense of accomplishment and the realiztion that you got it done?

Boud said...

No overseer here! A board of owners directing the professional management who contract out landscaping, exterior maintenance, etc.

RedPat said...

Just where are the eagles when you need them?

Yael said...

Even in the war of the five armies of the Hobbit the eagles arrived late, maybe it was worth waiting.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

I understand how you feel. Sometimes you start a job and it leads to another then another and so on. Wimbledon is on here in the UK. Never understood tennis. They keep throwing the ball back at each other; why not just take the ball away?

God bless.

peppylady (Dora) said...

This heat just pretty much wipe me out.

Liz Hinds said...

That's unusual. You can usually rely on eagles.

Celia said...

"Exhaustipated" is my new favorite word. The heat is a monster, don't push yourself too hard. Fortunately my condo the association pays someone to do this for us. For the first time in years they have been coming around 8am instead of the afternoons. I have not been outside after 11 for at least a week now. Take care of yourself.

Jeanie said...

It's hard to do much of anything these days. I don't have a/c in the house and just put the fan right beside me, after anchoring all the loose paper. I thought I'd get in an early walk but I got to the end of the driveway. It's supposed to break for us this week; I hope it does for you, too.

roentare said...

Gardening is soothing for the soul

DJan said...

Now it's time for a cold drink and early to bed!

Granny Sue said...

I hope that all that exertion will lead to a good night's sleep, AC. I am amazed you were able to do so much!

Red said...

The heat is doing a number on us elders. I get very little done outside. I keep waiting for cooler days.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Our days of yard work and lawn cutting are in the past, but I do recall the exhausted feelings as summer was always hot and humid when those chores had to be done, which was weekly.

Ed said...

When I was younger, I enjoyed falling into bed exhausted and enjoying a full night's sleep. These days I have to take an acetaminophen or the aches of being exhausted are enough to keep me up all night.

Cloudia said...

Even so, a lovely day

William Kendall said...

The heat gets to me too.