Monday, July 29, 2024

Sue's Art Trees

A few days ago. Sue had a photo prompt having to do with trees and art. She wondered what to do until we thought to  use her series of stained glass trees. When I write stained glass one might think that she were actually working with glass, but it was really the effect that she was trying to achieve through watercolor painting on art paper.

They are from ~25 years ago, but we still have prints hanging down the staircase, and I was also able to find the original scans deep within the hard drive, and here they are.

I think they are quite interesting and well done, but aside from printing larger copies for hanging on the wall, we also made notecards. I think this is the last remaining stash. Theoretically, we could print more, but we might have to search for paper stock of that size. Also note the cute envelopes.

To wrap up the post, this is the composite that Sue posted to her group.


Patio Postcards said...

Beautiful art & I really like the idea that you made cards from the photos of Sue's trees.

Rosalea said...

Sue is one talented lady! Those are beautiful.

Boud said...

Yes, that is interesting, cool to use them as notecards with the little motif on the envelope, too. Very clever all round.

DJan said...

They are delightful!

Marcia said...

Those are so pretty. I can see why you enlarged them to frame. Is Sue still painting?

Barbara Rogers said...

What lovely paintings. I liked the stained glass effect, but with white for the veins. And nicely made cards and envelopes too, from the photos! Great marriage of talents there.

Sandra said...

WOW! I think these are beautiful and the composite works very well.

Granny Sue said...

I am so impressed! These are really stunning.

gigi-hawaii said...

Sue is a very talented artist. I like her sense of style.

PipeTobacco said...

I love watercolor painting! Those are quite beautiful! I find it interesting you said they are painted on CANVAS….. that is very interesting. Even though I am not an expert on art techniques by any means, I had always thought that folks pairing in watercolor used more of a heavy, semi-absorbent art paper of some sort. I had always presumed canvas was the primary environment for acrylic and/or oil painting.


PipeTobacco said...

“Pairing” in the above should be “painting”. Damnable autocorrect.

Margaret said...

I love those! They are beautiful. Watercolor is my favorite type of art.

Val Ewing said...

I love those cards and her paintings. Absolutely stunning. The colors make me smile.

I only wish I could have 1/4 of that kind of talent.

Anvilcloud said...

Sorry. Paper not canvas. I didn’t sleep last night — not at all. That’s my excuse.

DB Stewart said...


RedPat said...

They are beautiful.
P.S. FYI it is Ms RedPat. ;-)

roentare said...

The paintings are fabulous

The Furry Gnome said...

Those are incredible! Well done to Sue!

Pam J. said...

I just started painting with watercolors. Love these! Thanks for the inspiration.

Vicki Lane said...

Those are beautiful! So glad you shared them!

Marie Smith said...

Those are gorgeous. They deserve a place of honour in your home for sure. The card were a great idea too.

Debby said...

They are wonderful! The notecards were a good idea.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Well that is simply stellar! The cards are gorgeous. I would buy a set were they for sale. Let me know. xoxo

Jenn Jilks said...

You two are so talented!