We have driven our CRV for 10 years. It seems as though we have had arachnid travelling companions. The one in the photos, below, lives in Sue's mirror, but another one inhabits my mirror. My particular sidekick has taken up occupancy recently, but Sue's friend has been settled comfortably for many months.
How and why they get there and settle in for the duration, I do not know. They sometimes come out when we are driving. They hang on, even at speed, and manage to crawl back safety into their lair. I think I may have seen one blown off, but I am not sure. We have even blasted the hose in there, and they have, somehow, survived to build yet another web.
Our previous vehicle was also a CRV. I don't recall it being attractive to spiders. In fact, none of our previous vehicles were seen as suitable domiciles by arachnids, so I don't know what is so darn special about this vehicle.
Spider spider in my carHang on tightlyWe'll go far
The are like dogs hanging out of the car window getting the wind in their faces.
This is unusual. The vehicle must have a magical spider force around it.
It's good to have friends in traveling companions even of other species! Aloha!
As long as they stay outside the car, I would be fine with it! Amazing that they can hang on but those webs are STRONG.
Quite the webs! They hitch a ride so you must be going their way!
Yeah spider web everywhere in the car and in the house.
They're keeping your biting insect population in check. I could use more in the house to help with ants.
That's funny. We had one at the sugarhouse that I used to annoy when I swept. But what we have are robins that attack their reflections in the mirrors.
Never had a spider in one of my vehicles but did have a mouse once upon a time.
I also have a 10 year old CRV. (silver) I haven't noticed any hitchhikers.
They look like orbs, friendly little fellows. Harmless and fantastic insect catchers.
Uuuummmm... I'm sorry to say I suffer from arachnophobia. I know it started from my childhood living on a sugar plantation with tons of cane spiders.
That's a new one on me!
Hey just imagine all the bugs you'd get on your windshield if the spiders weren't there to protect you all!
We always have the odd spider or two in this old log house. Live and let live.
I've never quite understood the spider phobia thing. My oldest daughter is terrified of them, and was ever since she was small. I think they are very interesting.
Little Miss Muffet isn't going to ask you guys for a ride anywhere soon.
No, just plain no to those hitchhikers.
When we were getting in the car for out Sunday outing, Michael noticed the deer flies bombarding the side mirrors. What were they after? Enemies?
It must know you won't hurt it!
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