Saturday, July 13, 2024

Morning Drivel

The changing temperatures do not help. 

When I begin the night it's 23C/74F. That is close to room temperature, but my little corner feels stuffy and warm. The window is wide open and the fans are on: both the overhead fan and the portable one in the doorway. I decide to switch the doorway fan to blow the air in instead of out, and I turn the overhead fan off.

It's midnight or thereabouts, and I finally drift off to sleep with only light clothes on and sans sheet.

Come 3:30, I am off to the bathroom. When I return, I am cool. I turn off the fan and pull the sheet over me, knocking something or other on my side table over in the process. Now, looking on the floor by my chair at 5:20, I think it was just the cat brush. It could have been worse.

I mostly don't sleep after 3:30, but at 4:30 I get up to close the window because the blowing of the cool 18C air affects me, even under the sheet. I wish the temperature didn't fluctuate so much, so I didn't have to keep adjusting. What I further wish is that it were cool enough to sleep under a light blanket so the breezes wouldn't affect me.

My efforts to adapt to the cooler temperatures don't work very well , so I soon give up and get up and start brewing my first cup. The cat hangs around hoping for breakfast ... or kibble ... or treats. Since she doesn't know for sure what she wants, she gets nothing. (She has just given up the watch and stalked off at almost 5:30.)

Sometime after 4:30, I check things on the computer and eventually decide to go to the blogs. There are a few posts from late last night and two already from early today. Some of you must schedule posting in the very wee hours.

I read the few posts that appear on Feedly and wonder if there is anything that I could post today.

And here it is — my post for the day. Aren't you glad? It's not much, and it is odd, but it is something.

It's 5:35. I guess I will hit Publish in a bit, but what do I do now? I am too lazy to go out with the camera. Besides the time and my laziness, the sky is almost totally overcast, so I am not drawn to the great outdoors to shoot in the dullness. It pains me that I have hardly used my camera at all except for those fireworks.

I do have a book to read: The Shadowcutter, Northminster Mysteries Book 3. As far as I can tell, Northminster is now Peterborough, but I am not sure. It doesn't matter really, but it does seem to be somewhat north of London. The series is set around 1840, and they just took a train to London, and I think I recall the trip taking something like an hour. It's about a young doctor and a somewhat older cop and the murder mysteries that they solve.

I have read the first two novels in the Northminster series via Kindle. Once I have paid my Kindle fee, these volumes have been free. At some point, they will probably want a extra fee for the newer works in the series. This series might be good enough to fork over the extra dosh. We shall see.

This is the fifth series that I have read over the past three or four months, for probably s total of up to 18 novels. While they are not up to the standard of Elizabeth George or Robert Galbraith (JK Rowling), they are decent reads. This Norhtminster series might be good enough to pay an additional fee if and when that becomes the option.

So that is me, rambling on about nothing in my morning stupor. It's warming up, and I have just re-opened the window. I am not sure what to do now. I may be too tired and hot and bothered to read. Wimbledon Tennis will start up for the day in a couple of hours. It is the penultimate day of the Championships. I'll miss it next week.

It's almost 6. I shall read this stream of consciousness over and hit Publish, even if it is drivel.


Ed said...

I’m guessing the cat regrets not having made a decision.

Marie Smith said...

My husband is up at 3:30 every morning. Needless to say, he is out like a light at 7 every night. Oh the joys of being a senior!

Barbara Rogers said...

Sorry to hear your corner of the world is less than exciting/creative/restful and all the other adjectives you might wish for. I think bloggers go through a place I'd call "the dumps" quite frequently...whether we admit it or not. Almost all I read are dealing with some physical impairments...though some don't talk about it. That's ok. I understand. Photos were originally my impetus to share blogs, but often I just cut/paste from various newsletters (over on my When I was 69 blog). Some people read them...and I imagine most don't. But this is a social media. So the whole point is to put ourselves out there, and wait and see who says what in exchange. I say, hang in there, dear AC. I know that short sleep is a bother...having just endured a similar night. Now I'm going to try wearing a mask so I can breathe at the Tailgate Market for 5 hours. Wish me luck!

Boud said...

This doesn't sound like a restful night. Flinging cat brushes and all. I hope you have a restful day.

Sandra said...

Are you able to take a nap? I hope so. Enjoy your book, relax and cuddle with the cat. About drivel, it is the stuff of my life.🙂

Vicki Lane said...

How frustrating, trying to get the temperature right. I sometimes have the same problem.

Jenn Jilks said...

Insomnia is a wicked thing.
Good to have proof of life, as I keep saying.

RedPat said...

I find that the ceiling fan with a light sheet works well but it is nice to have cooler nights and use a blanket. I hope that you sleep better tonight.

Jeanie said...

Guess what -- a news flash! You are allowed to be lazy. You are allowed to NOT take a photo or NOT read a book or NOT do much but veg unless you want to. We all worked many moons for the privilege of having options. And you know you'll do it all again soon enough. Maybe you already have!

Rosalea said...

Last night was a restless night up this end of the Valley as well. Sounds like we have a few more of these warm nights before it changes. Hope tonight is better for you.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Ugh, not much worse than a hot sticky sleepless night. Add a few mosquitoes maybe. I sure hope you get a good night's sleep tonight.

DJan said...

Last night I got my first good night's sleep in a week, and it sure felt good. I can't sleep without a blanket, and I wish I had a ceiling fan but I don't, so I just make do. Your post was interesting to me, even without wowie zowie stuff in it. I like peeking into other lives.

roentare said...

Polar front took over the whole Australia. So it has been unusually cold even in metropolitan Melbourne.

I used to read prolifically. Now I only read New York Book best Sellers

Red said...

Waking at 4:30 with nothing much to do and no one to converse with is a pain. You end up talking to yourself.

Joanne Noragon said...

If my nights were this fractured, I'd fling more than cat brushes.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

It’s the little things in our lives that seem to elicit the most responses, so if you want to share a restless night, there is nothing “wrong” with doing so. In one way or another, many others can possible identify having had a similar situation. It’s these little things that when shared make the blog world a community of friends.

Debby said...

It has been so hot and humid here. Just awful. My brain just melted and turned to mush. But we had a big storm front move through, and quite astonishingly, the temp went from nearly 90 to in the 60s that night. We threw the bedroom window open and both of us slept so soundly that night. What a relief!

Margaret said...

Like you, my body doesn't adjust well to the changes in temperature. (or light) That's why I'm such a better winter sleeper!

William Kendall said...

I sleep better in the winter, but I'm finding my new apartment, even with a west exposure, doesn't heat up.