Sunday, July 28, 2024

Morning Light

Sue wanted to get up early for a morning photo. I always get up pretty early, but she doesn't. Heckfire, I am often up by 5 o'clock, so I would surely be awake and rarin' to go by 6 which is how milady set her alarm.

Wouldn't you know that this was the one morning when I would sleep later than usual I awoke with a start at 6 o'clock after 7+ hours of sleep, my longest night and latest wakeup in probably 3 months. Go figure: just when I wanted to wake up early, I slept in. What a life!

I had been sleeping in my den, but when I got up and checked the bedroom Sue's bed was already made. She had set her alarm to rise at 6 but had awoken at 5:45. Fearing that she had already left, I checked her location on my phone and saw that she was still nearby. In fact, she had just come back inside from taking pictures in the garden and had heard me flip down the chair to get up, for it does sometimes make quite a bang.

I got dressed hurriedly, and we drove around the corner to the park.

Sue was taking pictures right away.

I took this one from very near the same spot as above, catching the soft morning light on the leaves.

We wandered by the pond, which was bordered by cattails and purple loosetrife.

Later, I cropped the picture, and I like it more this way, so here is that version as well.

I decided to experiment with the loosestrife and applied a little bit of ICM (intentional camera movement) as I pressed the shutter.

In another experiment, I zoomed the lens while taking the shot. .

I like both effects: not bad for only having been awake for only a few minutes.

Meanwhile, Sue took this picture of me while I was taking the above photos or ones like them.

We were back home by 6:35.

* Do you know how much trouble I had to go to in order to insert the interrobang ‽ up there in the post? I used html code up there but eventually also found it under Emojis. The things that I do just 'fer youse guys'!


Marie Smith said...

That early morning light is spectacular. Isn’t it always the way? When you want to be up, you sleep…

DJan said...

Great shots! Amazing that you slept so well, when you weren't supposed to. I appreciate all that you do to bring me into your world.

Barbara Rogers said...

You can keep the blurred photos...I have to wipe my eyes or glasses enough trying to focus on things! But the third and last were definitely worth your hurried arrival with cameras! That dawn light shining across from trees to the grasses is very pleasing.

Anvilcloud said...

@Barbara. Thanks. I intend to keep them.

gigi-hawaii said...

Congrats on those 7 hours of much needed sleep. I haven't slept that long in decades. Usually, I sleep 4-5 hours.

Val Ewing said...

ICM is so much fun. In fact I did it the other day with a twist of the wrist. I love the first one as it reminds me of an abstract painting.

And being and early riser is what I've become, in the summer, it is 4am and in the winter it is 5am.

The early morning hours are so great for amazing colors.

I also love experimenting with photography. I enjoy trying to make in camera double exposures and one thing I have not had much luck with is the Pep Ventosa Technique. Too much post editing for that.

As fall rolls in and the sun changes its angle, that park will be an amazing place for morning shots!


Margaret said...

That light is worth getting up for! Such a peaceful glow. I like the blurred photos, especially the second one. I'm not sure what you inserted and am off to google it.

Margaret said...

Never mind! I understand it now. I usually just do ?! so I didn't know there was a combined symbol.

Sandra said...

That is an interesting tree. Immediately caught my eye. The second blurred photo is my favorite. I was an early riser most of my life. Not so much now. You needed that rest, maybe you need to plan more early mornings with Sue, you may get in the habit of oversleeping!

Cloudia said...

7 hours! Good for you. I am a 6-hour sleeper. We are all lucky that you got these early morning shots. Thanks for the photography instruction. Have a beautiful day both of you. Aloha!

Granny Sue said...

I am thrilled that you had a good night's sleep at last! Your first photo of the tree is my favorite here. So restful, and hopeful too, that a good daybis on its way. Here's to another night of good rest!

Vicki Lane said...

That early morning light is so beautiful and you all have captured it perfectly.

RedPat said...

That is not the time of day I like to see. You did well after sleeping in for once.

Marcia said...

A good night's rest. Good for you.
I learned a new word "interrobang". Never have heard of it or seen it. Now how can I find it on my keyboard?

DrumMajor said...

Those motioning views are what my brain feels like before I wake up totally. Linda in Kansas

Anvilcloud said...

@Marcia: It's not on your keyboard. I found an hrml code and it was also buried in the emojis.

roentare said...

The morning light gives that sense of peace. Good play with zoom pull.

peppylady (Dora) said...

I'm not at that time in morning.

Jenn Jilks said...

We appreciate it all!
I am so glad you had such a sleep!
Thanks for your encouraging words. Joe tested positive again today. What a time...

DB Stewart said...

Ah, sleep. I say more of that for AC.

Joanne Noragon said...

I looked several times at your interrobang and wondered how the heck!?

Barwitzki said...

Beautiful morning mood... You both did a great job.
Thank you for letting us enjoy it.
... and breakfast was particularly delicious that day :-)))

Jenny the Pirate said...

Well let me start this lengthy comment by saying, I was today years old when I learned there was such a thing as an interrobang! That alone was worth logging on for. Thanks for that! Also notable is the trouble I have sleeping (glad you got seven hours uninterrupted, BTW), and more importantly, the trouble I have STAYING asleep. My TG, bless his heart, snores. Many is the time that I have just drifted off and I'm almost there -- or all the way there -- and he snorts or snores or both and I startle and it may be another hour before I get it back (if indeed I do), while he blissfully slumbers beside me. I don't hold it against him as I know he is not aware that he is snoring, but still ... also until recently I implored him NOT to come to my side of the bed and give me a goodbye kiss as he leaves for work, if he can TELL that I am actually sleeping. Because it wakes me up! Ugh! As you say, what a life. The next-to-last thing is, I laughed when you said that Sue heard you put your recliner down even though she was outside. TG's recliner makes a bang too and if I am upstairs of an evening, I always know he's about to go forage in the kitchen, hahaha! And lastly, how I love first-light pictures. Several years ago Erica and I used to get up while it was still dark and drive downtown to the Elmwood historic cemetery, and have our coffee there, and walk and take pictures. I have some gorgeous shots of the earliest sunbeams pouring through the many trees and touching the tombstones. Quite poignant. xoxo

The Furry Gnome said...

That early morning light is so nice for photos!