Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Morning Phone Calls

Well, that was a major morning for me. Due to my poor hearing and the fact that I don't like people (kidding — sorta), I tend to put off phone calls as long as possible. They were mounting up, so yesterday morning, I girded my loins and made three calls. One was to resolve an issue with our property insurance. The second was to call CRA (Canada Revenue Agency) which is enough to cause a fit of the shudders. The third was to call our Honda dealer about a safety recall.

All things considered, the calls went well enough. That I can divert the phone audio directly to my hearing aids helps a lot. The sound is clear and the volume is good, and it is almost like I can interact like a normal person. 

However, I will have to spend at least a week recovering from the ordeal.

Maybe I should curl up in my chair and imbibe some Bailey's Irish Cream. Not being much of a drinker, I haven't done that at Christmas for several years, but my feeble eyes were attracted to a display while purchasing a bottle of wine for Sue. Maybe I should let my hair down and indulge, but I have some trouble locating hair.

Well, that's my short and sweet post for today. The question looms: will he or won't he? About the Bailey's, I mean.


Boud said...

I'm with you on the stress of any phone calls, let alone calls which are themselves stressful. Well done on getting through them.

William Kendall said...

I will admit- generally speaking I don't like people.

Barbara Rogers said...

I also schedule the irritating phone calls for when I can plan to be more relaxed. As well as courageous. And ready to calmly take the whatever incredible barely-understandable comments from the other line (if it's to a call center over-seas). Then I sure do have myself a glass of eggnog. With rum!

NGS said...

Calling people is now part of my job and I am utterly exhausted by it. I have to gird myself every time I pick up the handset. At least this is an UNUSUAL experience for you!

Ed said...

I tend to do them first thing in the morning. If I wait, then soon it becomes too late and it must wait for another day, or two... or more. Occasionally I put the call off long enough I forget to ever return it.

I'm not much of a drinker. Part because I've never acquired much of a taste for the wine or beer. The other part is that I'm often too lazy to get up and pour myself a drink of something like Baileys, or Scotch in my case. I'm still working on a bottle that is probably older than my youngest child!

Tabor said...

I have decided that secret pleasures such as Baileys are OK until the New Year. I, like you, hate the telephone. My Dad had hearing problems which we did not know about and always avoided the phone. By the time he got hearing aides much of his hearing had been compromised and was not coming back. I am so sad about that now.

MARY G said...

You should. JG resorted to two glasses yesterday to soothe his angst. We had a medical appt in Ottawa and hurried home to get the recycle and other goodies sorted and ready to go to the dump. And it was listed as open from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. JG arrived at 4:50. The Gate was closed, the attendant gone, and it was all dark. I am not sure that two glasses were enough. And, this morning, he called the Township office to complain and got, wait for it, two answering machines in a row. The sun is not over the yardarm, but ....!!!

Margaret said...

I too hate making calls, especially for medical appointments which I then spend a week or so dreading. I don't think you will!

Red said...

Like you, I don't like making phone calls. Maybe it's from my teacher days of calling parents.

Jenny the Pirate said...

I don't know about the rest, but I shudder at the thought of making any phone call. I love people but in small doses and only at particular times, haha! I have to mentally prepare myself for in-person interaction but no amount of preparation softens the blow of having to make a phone call. You have my sympathies xoxo

RedPat said...

I'm glad to read this and realize that I am not the only one who hates making phone calls.
A wee shot to sooth the nerves would be fine. ;-)

Debby said...

Yes. This is the time of year when we all reach for the Baileys. AC! why are you headed for the kitchen? The DVDs are right under the television!

'Every time a bell rings an angel gets its wings!'

Jeanie said...

I'm with you -- those are the kinds of calls I just hate!

roentare said...

Wearing working hearing aids early prevent further progressive hearing loss

Marie Smith said...

Bailey’s is on our shopping list too. Once a year comes around quickly.

Celia said...

Ptui on phone calls. I have a cute little glass that holds maybe an once or so of Baileys or Grand Marnier for just such occasions. Skoal.

Celia said...

An ounce, and no I haven't had any today ;-)

The Furry Gnome said...

You should!

Joanne Noragon said...

I make a list of "must" calls and return them all at once. Don't drink unless you can.

Vicki Lane said...

I hope you did. As a reward for dealing with the telephone.

Jenn Jilks said...

You have the same sense of humour as JB.
I hear you about phone calls. I gird my loins. Two hours trying to get JB's pension site back up. I was so proud of myself.