Wednesday, November 08, 2023

Imprecise AC

The phone rang at 7:30 on Monday morning.

It was the dentist. "Are you coming in at 8 or 9 this morning?

Huh? "My appointment is for next Monday."

"No. It's today."

At first, I was pretty sure it was their mistake, but they had me down, and I figured I could manage to get there for 9. It was just a checkup and cleaning, and I'd be out in an hour and would easily be ready to drive Sue to the hospital at 11:15. In a week of a number of appointments, it would be good to put at least one behind me.

It worked out well enough: no cavities or other work to be done (and Sue later got the good news that I mentioned in yesterdays' post).

Upon reflection, and although I had thought otherwise at first, I have since become pretty certain that it had been my mistake. That is because I have the notion that the 6th seems to ring a bell now that I thought about it. The 13th sure does not.

I think that I must have just slipped a down line when I entered it on my Google calendar.

This is the kind of thing that I do in this life of mine with my lack of precision. It's a rather good thing that it was never my job to fly a jumbo jet, or extract all of the instruments from a patient when concluding a surgery..


  1. Glad it worked out for you both. Good news! Yay! Here’s to more…

  2. My dental check up was yesterday morning but I woke with vertigo and then upset stomach. Dan called to cancel for me. Now I need to reschedule it. I keep two calendars - one on computer where Dan and I put both our commitments since we share the car and the other a paper calendar that hangs here at my desk.

  3. I often think it's good we don't get into the wrong professions. I don't think you'd do well at NASA, getting rockets off on time! Me neither, I'd be thinking how many other things it could do in addition to flying...

  4. I havedone that too many times--entering the wrong date.

  5. I once showed up at the dentist on the wrong day. Off by one day! Luckily his office is five minutes from my house but I felt so dumb. But don't you dare beat yourself up. Making little mistakes like that is common to everyone. Isn't it nice to get dreaded appointments in the rear-view mirror? Excellent way to go forward. xoxo

  6. Both of you keep going to the doctor. I hope you will achieve some kind of balance in your lives so that these ordeals will come to an end.

  7. I try to write things down in more than one place, just to be sure. But, I hear you. I got a voicemail to let me know the batteries were in for my hearing aids. So, I wrote the phone number for the confirmation call on a slip of paper and inserted it in the book I was reading as a bookmark.
    You would think that is failsafe?
    Nope. Three days later she called me again.
    I now have an appointment just about when the weather is supposed to deteriorate.
    My bad.
    So, you are far better than I am.

  8. Such is one of our joys of becoming more elderly, not that it usually is enjoyable. Been there, done that! And sometimes the receptionists just say, but we reminded you. They either sent it to an email I no longer look at daily, or a wrong phone number for the text. It's never a fault that needs to be important in their or our lives. I rushed to exercise class today since I'd been on computer and suddenly looked and saw it was 10:53. Got a good workout and no ticket for speeding.

  9. Forgetfulness is becoming more prevalent in my daily life. Yesterday I completely forgot to write my Tuesday post. I don't think anybody but me lost any sleep over it. Glad you got the dentist behind you!

  10. Customers are not always right anymore

  11. I hate it when that happens!

  12. I'm just finally learning to enter things on a calendar!

  13. I'm getting so bad with my appointments that I also set Alexa reminders. I write them on the calendar but the trick then is to actually LOOK at it!

  14. Afraid I no longer write anything down, because I get enough texts, emails and voice-mail for every appointment that it's a wonder i get anything done except read them! Fortunately I don't have many appointment, praise the Lord!

  15. Ackkkk! Don't mention surgery!

  16. I refuse to use my cellphone for appointments. I have to push too many buttons to get there and it doesn't think like I do. I'll make tentative appointments while at the doc, then make sure it's okay when I look at my old-fashioned 5-year calendar at home. Hang in there! Linda in Kansas

  17. Sounds like you are taking excellent care of each other! Aloha friend!

  18. It is difficult to keep up with appointments! I don't have a calendar other than for work and inevitably, I sometimes get it wrong. Good to hear your dental went ok, always worrisome, teeth are. Mine anyway.

  19. We both went to CP for the dentist yesterday.

  20. I've been writing appointment dates on my desk calendar, my iPhone and my tablet calendar in my bag. And then the doctor always calls the day before to remind me. So far, so good.

  21. Fortunately you got there.
