Tuesday, November 28, 2023


November is the bleakest month: the colour has gone, and the snow hasn't yet arrived. Well, sometimes it arrives and stays by the end of November, but not usually. One thing that is beginning to happen is ice because most nights are now falling well below freezing. 

For the most part, our Mississippi River in this vicinity doesn't freeze because it runs so fast, but there is am embayment in Appleton where freezing is occurring already. In both of these photos, there is ice until the darker blue near the far trees.

This is the boat launch in Appleton.

At least we were graced with nice blue skies for these photos.

The pond at out local park ↓ is mostly frozen already. The outer, lighter section froze first and the darker section, near the water intake, later. I like the curving line where the two sections of ice meet.

When we walked from the park along the path by the river, we did encounter some ice right by the river bank, but it didn't extend very far into the river. (I decided to process this one in mono, but it was a mistake.)

To continue the ice there, when we made our way back to the car, there were some patches of ice in the grass in the park.

Apart from the ice, I nabbed this photo of Sue. She had just emerged back onto the path after photographing something or other in the bushes to the left.

And she took a photo of me.

Sunny, blue sky days with some clouds really help at this time of year.


  1. Ice in the grass? Strange. (to me at least) Loved seeing the ice formations on the water. You all are sure busy capturing the various details of early winter.

  2. I love your photo of Sue. It’s a keeper!

  3. It's an area near the pond that doesn't drain well.

  4. Do you ever get that chiming sound of water under ice? We occasionally do, and it's very much like bells.

  5. The pop of red from your outerwear really sets up nicely.

  6. We are having icy conditions here too. What melts during the day turns to ice with sunset. Yesterday all the moisture on our back steps made for a slick exit and entrance.

  7. So much ice--but it is beautiful, especially with the blue sky. It's been cold here lately so we're dealing with heavy front and ice. My cyclamen are living in the garage for the time being.

  8. Well I don't like your weather but I do like your photos. I like the one in mono and I don't believe it was a mistake! Sue is a bright bird xoxo

  9. Ice comes gradually. we wouldn't be ready of everything froze solid in one night.

  10. My favorite is the photo of your wife!

  11. Wow! I sure couldn't face whether like that. Yes, nice photo of your wife. Aloha to both of you

  12. The lakeside views are gorgeous. Love the light.

  13. It was a nice sunny day so not so bad a walk for you guys if it wasn't windy. It is sunny and windy here today. Your red jacket and Sue's cape really pop in the shots.

  14. Sue is so stylish. You? Eh, not so much.

  15. No ice here, now we have snow.

  16. Yes, winter is just around the corner now, isn't it? We had a beautiful fall around here, though. Love your pictures, all of them.

  17. Those ice photos are pretty clever. Especially the one of the grass and leaves. Do you ever get frost flowers? They are so lovely.

  18. A beautiful day for your walk.

  19. Sue always looks fashionable, even in cold weather. I like your blue skies. We're getting nothing but gray over here. We need the rain though.

  20. I like this blog post, it’s nice, and I love the beautiful photos. I especially like the shot you got of Sue, she looks gorgeous! Thank you for sharing this. Wishing you a wonderful Tuesday Night.

  21. Fascinating, the patterns ice makes.

  22. I noticed ice has frozen over on the ditch. So cold! I'm never ready!
