Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Lights and Shoulder

Here's a quick and easy picture post for today.

The neighbours' Christmas display from my den with a phone. I hope to get a proper photo at another time, maybe with snow on the ground.

They've had it up for a week already. It seems early for many southerners, but it gets cold quickly as November rolls on, so if we have a nice day, many just want to get to it. Besides, our Thanksgiving is well past, so Christmas is the only event on the horizon.

Their next door neighbour is a little behind, but they were out stringing lights yesterday. It's quite a job. The tree has grown in the almost 20 years since I first saw it lit. I will probably take a photo of the result at some point. I usually do.

So, that's it for now, except to say that I sometimes feel a little restrained sleeping in my chair. I had a tough time getting to sleep last night and was very uncomfortable, so, after awhile, I chanced actually going to bed. It worked for a couple of hours, but I got my shoulder into a tough position and it got pretty sore, and couldn't get comfortable again. I reverted back to the chair and managed to get a few hours of sleep but only a few. I'll be off to physio soon and am hoping that we make some progress.


  1. At 73, I was finding it very hard to fall asleep, but I have found a solution..I play a bedtime story on my phone. I keep the volume low so as not to disturb my hubby. I use the ap Calm, but I understand you can find stories on you tube also. Might sound a little crazy, but it works for me, maybe it will help you too. I’ve never made it to the end of a 1/2 hour story 😂. Chin up.

  2. I am sorry you have been feeling rather blue about the stubborn ailments, but it perfectly understandable to feel as you do. I wish I knew something to offer to help, but it is challenging.

    Two items to consider though…. 1) at this time of year with our ever decreasing light levels, Seasonal Affective Disorder can arise easily. Are their potential ways where you can get more exposure to the limited sunlight we do have? It may be helpful. I know when I can do this, it does help me feel more “normal” emotionally even when things are difficult. 2) If you do not already do this, perhaps reading at night, in bed, an actual paper novel or historical biography may help in feeling sleepier so that you may rest better in bed even with the physical conundrums. I know for me that real paper book reading is more relaxing than screen reading (tablet, Kindle, etc.). Perhaps that would be worth a try.


  3. The lights bring a lot of cheer to the long dark nights.

  4. That's one massive tree! I do love the light displays -- I don't do much outside but I'm thinking of maybe upping my game this year if I can make the time before it gets too cold. Outdoor decorating is best done on a lovely day!

    Good luck wiht the physio. I hope it helps.

  5. What a beautiful display! So colorful especially at night. Love it.

  6. Good luck on getting your shoulder to stop irritating so much! I believe Physio Therapy is the best things I have ever had...and wish I still did those exercises. Unfortunately I'm a slacker. Loved seeing neighbors' efforts to decorate. That spruce is enormous, isn't it!

  7. Do not be afraid to take the pain killers as needed. Also, blogs and pod casts that are uplifting might help pass the time. Any hobbies you have where you can sit comfortably? It will take time to heal, but you should not give up hope. Your neighbors putting lights on that tree are certainly energetic!!!

  8. That's frustrating! I hope the PT helps too. John's exercises have helped him--something about his posture or hunching exacerbates his shoulder issue. Are you a huncher? I'm not ready to even think about Xmas.

  9. That is a very big tree to light up! It's horrid not getting enough sleep. Hope tonight you get a bit more.

  10. It always amazes me, the amount of work some people go to on Christmas displays (and Halloween, etc, for that matter). I put a bow on the mailbox. I do hope the physio helps you. Have you tried moist heat on the shoulder? I use a beanbag heated in the microwave and that is really comforting at 3:00 am.
    Cripes, that's a big tree to light. And the guy is trying to get it even, it looks like.

  11. Those are ambitious neighbours that you have.
    Hope the PT helps as you keep at it.

  12. I too have high hopes for the physio actually helping. I also like the idea of warm heat on the shoulder, however you end up getting it.

  13. Hang in there with the physio. It takes time but it really helped me.

  14. Good to see Xmas light decorations. I wont be able to do that this year as I will be working in outback

  15. Ugh AC I will be so glad to hear (I hope very soon) that this shoulder problem is resolved and that you're able to sleep in your bed again. Just not being able to sleep in your own bed is depressing, I think! I'm very close to my bed. Many years ago when I was diagnosed with a rotator cuff tear during a pretty bad flareup (I was working as a court reporter then so with all the traveling and many hours of transcribing, it was being continually aggravated), I had to sleep in my recliner with the bad arm thrown up over my head. But it was amazing when the orthopedic surgeon told me that I would require surgery for the tear ... then I learned what recovery from that surgery entails. I knew I could not do it and as it turned out, I didn't have to. The problem resolved over time (but not that much time) and I have really never had much of a peep out of it since then, except sometimes if I lay on that side for too long, it begins to ache. I am fervently praying that your situation gets better on its own or, barring that, the doctors are able to give you definitive help towards a permanent solution. As for the neighbors putting lights up outside, I guess it makes sense to do it before it gets so cold that it's nearly impossible. We got our tree put up and decorated today, as well as a few other Christmas decorations (lighted greenery) in the foyer. I can hardly believe that tree is up; when I woke up today it was not my plan to do that, but it just worked out and I feel so good about it. Love to your Sue. xoxo

  16. I thought of getting our Christmas boxes down.

  17. These are great!
    I agree, with Remembrance Day and Thanksgiving done...
    That tree is going to have to be trimmed. Wonder what the developer/owner was thinking?

  18. It seems lots of folks have started early with Christmas decos, even some of the residents here in the mill apts. When we were in London a couple of weeks ago, there were holiday displays in several storefronts in mid-Oct. Your neighbor's tree is massive and should look quite impressive when lit up. Sorry to read that the sleepless nights continue.

  19. I'm a great fan of physio. I hope it works for you.

  20. A lack of sleep makes everything else so much more difficult. I know this has been a rough year for you and Judy. I hope 2024 is a bit kinder to the two of you. PS: I am so glad you don't need surgery for the shoulder.

  21. They're going to string lights on that humongous tree? Woooow!
