Thursday, November 30, 2023

Getting a Lifter

With bodily constraints being what they are, Sue has been worried about clearing the snow on the walk by the front door. We have a contractor to plow the driveway, and the town will eventually get to the sidewalk. but the walkway will be up to us.

It's not a long piece to shovel, and I think I could manage around my shoulder issue, but Sue has been apprehensive. Then she saw a little electric shovel on FB. We don't require a big blower, but this little contraption might be sufficient to blow it from our entrance way without having to lift the snow. The snow pile beside out path can become quite high by the end of winter, so it could become quite a strain. 

Then, Shauna found this very model for sale, second hand, in our own little town. It's wasn't terribly expensive, so off we went. We closed the deal within minutes and were soon back with the device. 

We shall have to see if it is what we need, but it looks promising, but it won't be used where it is in this photo — the path to be cleared is behind me, near the front door.


  1. Score one for Shaun checking local ads. That looks like an easy to use "snow blower". I am dreading the start of the season when we have to get ours out. Mr Man is expected to do a test start up this weekend, just to be sure.

  2. What a cute little device to save the back!

  3. I hope it helps. I wonder, will it do the job if your snowballs get very high?

  4. One of the things I like about where I live is that the landscapers turn to snow removal in season, complete with shoveling walkways and steps. I do have to dig out my car, but neighbors help. I hope this new bit of equipment spares your shoulder.

  5. You are prepared!

  6. Wonderful! Every gadget that helps us stay independent is a blessing.

  7. I've seen people using those things. There are some caveats for them working well such as if the snow is really deep or really wet. I mostly see people use them to clear elevated decks where it doesn't have to ever throw the snow very far.

  8. Looking forward to seeing if that thing works, it should do the trick!

  9. I've had a one-foot wide electric Toro (red and black) show shovel for years. I had the first one for over 25 years, and gave it to a neighbor when I bought a new one, just because I'd worn out the rubber base plate. I do lift it up to move it sometimes. With really thick snow, it can shave off the top layer of snow, a bit like giving the snow a burr haircut, then you can remove a normal amount of snow down to the pavement. It can cut through the icy snow piles left by the street plows at the end of your drive, but best to use a regular shovel for that stuff. Have fun! Mine can shoot a good 10-15 feet with soft snow. Linda in Kansas

  10. What a strange time for someone to get rid of that gadget...but sure lucky for you.

  11. Keep us posted -- that could be useful!

  12. Snow can be such a nuisance but it looks like you have a great assistant this year.

  13. It's wonderful that you were able to buy this electric snow shovel... I'm convinced it will do the job.
    Making physical work easier is a good thing :-))
    Happy greetings to you.

  14. Awesome that you were able to find it locally, second hand. Looking forward to seeing how it works out!

  15. I hope this works for you. Reinjuring can be worse than the initial injury.

  16. What a clever gadget! I hope it works as advertised!

  17. Looks to me like you are set for just about anything. And I do hope the shoulder is doing well.

  18. I had one of those way back in the early eighties. It works just as Linda said. I used it for the driveway. After I moved to the country, it wasn't adequate for the big snows.

  19. You have that much snow? Wow!
    It looks very cold already. I love the photo of Sue in the previous post emerging from the trees.

  20. I was always a doer. But I certainly have had to second guess much stuff as I have aged. Do not want any broken bones or heart seizures!

  21. I am looking forward to finding out how it works. I have looked at the ads for them, thinking it would be useful, but ....! Report, please.

  22. Good luck with that!
    I'll need my 42" snowblower this year, I am sure.

  23. Good job, finding just what you needed at a better price. Now I hope it works for you all winter, and that your shoulder does not take the brunt of any snow clearing. xoxo
