Friday, August 12, 2022

Breakfast at the Waterfront

We enjoyed such a pleasant morning at breakfast on the patio by the river.

I had my usual fare, the Waterfront Scramble (see over there →). But when I say usual, this is only the second visit this year, and it will be probably the last one until October because the yellow jackets are beginning to come out. They weren't bad yesterday, but they have begun and will only get worse. In fact the staff were beginning to put the traps out as we sat there talking.

It was so pleasant that we communed for three hours just gabbing about this, that, and the other thing.

It was a bit sunny at first, so I tilted my cap to try to protect myself from the worst of it. I should have worn my hat with the brim, but I had been expecting overcast skies. The clouds did come a little later, so I was well shaded for much of the morning.

It's a great spot with great food and great company. So yeah. it was GREAT enough to have drawn a roar from Tony the Tiger.


Barbara Rogers said...

What a lovely place (indeed, Great!) and I can imagine you all talking, eating, drinking and laughing for hours!

DJan said...

What a nice gathering you had. That scramble sounds delicious. :-)

William Kendall said...

That sounds like a good breakfast.

Boud said...

That looks lovely. So good to have friends to hang out with. No, not the yellow jackets, the people.

gigi-hawaii said...

How nice! I just love it! Enjoy the summer.

Elizabeth Varadan, Author said...

Sounds like a lovely get-together. Enjoy these summer days while you can.

PipeTobacco said...

Mmm… now I want a bowl of Sugar Frosted Flakes! 😜. Actually, I have to admit that when I do not eat my high fiber, oatmeal and blueberry infused cereal like I normally do each morning…. Corn Flakes or Sugar Frosted (corn) Flakes are my special indulgence.

Nice images of you all together. I do the same think with my hat if it is too sunny…. it does not work very well, however. 🙂


RedPat said...

The yellow jackets started appearing here a couple of days ago. They are such a pain.
That scramble sounds good.

Marie Smith said...

You had me at the Hollandaise and cheese.

Margaret said...

Great gathering, yummy food and happy faces! Your hat looks wonderful like that. Very dashing.

Joanne Noragon said...

A wonderful breakfast and company.

peppylady (Dora) said...

One of my friends been having trouble with yellow jacket. They haven't much been around my home, yet.
Coffee is on and stay safe

DrumMajor said...

You're a dapper guy with your hat to the side. Might have confused the yellow jackets! Linda in Kansas

Jenn Jilks said...

It is a nice spot, but the yellow jackets just drive me nuts.
It's a bit too far for us for breakfast!!!

Jeanie said...

I love that cap! What a great time!

Kay said...

OH ho... I recognize that t-shirt.