Saturday, April 02, 2022

Did it Go? Almost but No!

Back in mid-March, I posted a blog wondering whether or not the snow would be gone by April. My very solid and unequivocal guess was, "I don't know." As You can plainly see, I am one for taking a definite stand.

As it turned out, almost all of it did go except for accumulations like the one in our front yard and in very shady spots here and there.

This is our house (right) and looking across the street (left). You may recall that yellow extension  on the hydrant almost being covered when the the snow was at its maximum height (depth?). And the snow pile in front of ours was about 6' high at its most formidable elevation.

We drove to the park around the corner. My goodness, it was yet another miserable day under a dull sky and with fierce winds. There is no snow to be seen in the picture although there was a little bit off-picture. (You can see how dull the day was in both ensuing pictures.)

Then, we toddled over to the bigger park, where Sue refused to budge from the car after facing the winds at the first park, and I must say that I was right quick about squeezing off this photo. If you squint you may see a bit of snow off in the distance to the left where the path curves, but really, the snow is largely gone.

Spring has been a slow and cool so far, but even this brutal winter will not hold back the warmth forever.


Marie Smith said...

We have a few hours without wind, then the wind picks up and precipitation starts. We have snow scheduled for today. Ugh. Eventually..

Barbara Rogers said...

You are so right...awful wind does mean no lingering about taking more photos. But there's something about March winds...I can't remember the saying. Something about a lamb. I think we missed the lamb. Our sunny days are still too cold to sit outside for long.

Boud said...

The wind is a factor here too. Lovely sunshine, wind like a knife, cuts into my walking pretty fast.

Jeanie said...

It'll go by April. Except just not the first of April!

MARY G said...

We're still mostly snow covered except where there is rock or it has been plowed back. And then there are the snowbanks where it has been plowed to.

Margaret said...

The snow is definitely leaving and the sun, blue sky and warmth will come! Until then, I'm with Sue and would stay in the car. :)

William Kendall said...

It's still cold enough to require a toque. Especially for my shaved head.

The Furry Gnome said...

I hope it doesn't!

Joanne Noragon said...

You'll be rid of the snow inch by inch by inch, in its good time.

Red said...

Sue has very ably pointed out that spring weather isn't very nice.