Monday, April 25, 2022

Commenting about Commenting

I had no blog topic in mind this morning and was going to pass for a change. I mean, you certainly don't need to read my drivel on a daily basis. However, I now have a short notice to post.

Lately, I have been blog-reading in my recliner, using my iPad. It seems like a more comfy way to go about it.

But I sometimes have problems commenting from the tablet. Today, on two different blogs, I was asked to log in with Google. So, I kept trying, but the same screen would just keep popping up, time and time again. They were Peppy's blog and Patio Postcards'. I am also not sure that one or two others actually went through – Riverbend, for instance. Oddly enough, after running into problems on one blog, the next will post without a hitch. I think they are both blogger blogs too, and one was for sure. Go figure.

I have also been doing my Flickr commenting from my tablet but never experience any problems on that platform. Strange.

I may or may not remember to get back to blogs on my computer once that happens, but I thought I would mention it for general consumption. 😎

Other than that, I posted to yet another person of how I don't appreciate how some authors, usually female authors with female protagonists, must de rigueur have a frenzied violent attack in the climax, usually against their female protagonist. In the past, I actually stopped reading someone's novels for this reason, and now I am having second thoughts about this author, whom I otherwise like.

Oddly enough, both series had/have to do with forensics and buried bodies.


DJan said...

Glad to know you manage to comment on my own blogspot blogs without any seeming problems. I look forward to hearing from you. :-)

Patio Postcards said...

Blogger has a new format for commenting & today I was allowed to be Anonymous on one blog ... in spite of being logged in as myself. Strange days, more change for the sake of change, I myself have made no changes to my blog.

Debby said...

I was having quite a bit of difficulty yesterday as well. Today it seems to be okay. So far.

Marie Smith said...

There is something going on with Blogger today. Uck…

Boud said...

On the subject of commenting, I really appreciate that when you ask a question in my comments, you come back to check for an answer.

Ed said...

Since Christmas when I got my first iPad, I have been commenting on it early in the morning. But today, like you, it kept requiring me to sign in and then wouldn't let me sign in. I finally gave up and went downstairs to the desktop. Blogger seems to be having problems. I hope it gets fixed so tomorrow morning I can comment again on my iPad.

Barbara Rogers said...

Well, at least your comment format came up the same as yesterday. Some that I've seen this morning are huge things...all full of promises of security...good old Google. Thanks for regular comments on my blogs...I do look forward to them, even if you're a bit of a curmudgeon at times. See, we do get to know each other here! Sorry your iPad and comments are a bit of a problem for you. Being able to hold the device for reading blogs is important.

Margaret said...

There are a few people who have issues commenting on my blog. Now that I know about typepad's spam folder, I can find their comments and publish them. It's usually those who have fake sounding names. I wish authors wouldn't do that; we both enjoy that series for its archeology and interesting characters.

Anvilcloud said...

@Barbara. I don’t think I’ve ever been called a curmudgeon before. Not by those who now me anyway.

Jenn Jilks said...

I really enjoy your posts, and they aren't drivel!
Your photography posts shows me what I could aspire to. I have no drive, lots of drivel, so there is that.
I think there has been a glitch. Who knows.

gigi-hawaii said...

I prefer to comment on my desktop. Just much easier.

William Kendall said...

There are times where I'll check a post that I already commented on and find the comment vanished. Other times the comment won't take. And at least five days out of seven I'm clicking on captchas.

MARY G said...

I have the same problem with Google when working from my ipad. Very frustrating. You, a curmudgeon? How could that be? (Snorts of unlady-like laughter here).

Ed said...

I think I figured out what the problem is and the solution. Those blogs with comments set to be "embedded" so that when you reply, it replies right after the comment instead of further down in the comments are the ones having the issue. I turned that feature off and all is right in the world again. So I'm leaving my off for now until Google figures out why that is happening.

Joanne Noragon said...

And I'm noticing a difference in the comment form of some blogs. Not yours. I attribute it to Blogger, not the holder of the blogs.

Red said...

I've never got the hang of the ipad. I would have to use it regularly to get used to it.

Rita said...

Blogger has been up to shifty changes lately and making life difficult again. Not sure if this will post or not.