Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Remembering the Remembrance Vigil

Tonight would have been the night that the cadets held a vigil at the Cenotaph, at least I presume that it would have still occurred if not for these odd times. They have held this for the past few years, sometimes in perishingly cold weather. Ironically, the weather would have been very nice for them this year.


gigi-hawaii said...

Looks interesting. Good night shot with your camera.

PipeTobacco said...

Wow! Striking image. You have used the method of desaturation with spots of color remaining VERY beautifully and effectively! What process/program do you use to do this? I have never been able to figure out how, myself.


Barbara Rogers said...

Beautiful and striking image.

Shammickite said...

Covid has changed everything. I will be watching the remembrance services in the comfort of home. It doesn't seem quite right does it.

Anvilcloud said...

Hi Pipe. I use Photoshop. I have two layers -- b&w and colour. If the b&w is on top, I mask the flags so that the colour shows through from below. I'll post another example tomorrow.

Ed said...

Excellent picture as always! Thanks for the vocabulary lesson as well as I had to google Cenotaph to see what it meant.

Vicki Lane said...

Such a dramatic picture!

Margaret said...

Fabulous picture. I love the contrasts.

Mage said...

I like that a lot...and am assuming that you didn't go this year.

DJan said...

Yes, these are odd times indeed.

Marie Smith said...

Traditional Ceremonies are cancelled here this year too.

PipeTobacco said...

I will look forward to it. But now I understand the problem too..... LAYERS as a concept in Photoshop vexes me. I am not even sure why this is so..... but I must not understand how to navigate when trying to have layers..... I always try to think of it as a jigsaw puzzle, but I can never seem to get the layers to fit back together

William Kendall said...

Excellent shot!

It's much the same here, Covid's thrown a wrench into so much.

Anvilcloud said...

Pipe. Think of sheets of transparencies on an overhead projector (which they [probably don't use anymore, but I loved them). You can still see the first sheet when you slap on the second one.