Saturday, October 05, 2019

Caturday 7

Although Lacey likes Sue better than me, she pretty much lives in my little den. We have a cat tree by the window that she can both curl up in and also gaze out the window. There is also the chair, The Chair — my comfy recliner.

She think it is hers or at the very least that she has equal claim. As a matter of fact, she is there right at this moment — just after 7 o'clock on Saturday morning — as I make an effort to compose this post.

This is after awaking me at 6 (which  isn't so bad as I was beginning to stir anyway) and me having had my coffee and she her kibble.

Here are some snaps from an earlier time.

With luck, above, I had remembered to lay out her towel. Just because she has a furry bum doesn't mean that I also want one. So, if I remember, I lay it out for her and remove it for me.

Of course, I frequently don't remember.

When I tossed it over her, hoping that she might move, she didn't.

Lately, with health issues and long, wakeful and uncomfortable nights and therefore with me needing to spend much time in that chair, I have sometimes remembered to protect my space. It is easier to prevent her occupation than to remove her afterward.

We have had some awfully cold weather already with nighttime frost warnings. As we wake up this morning, the cars across the street are frosted as is the field out the back window.

And so, I have retrieved my blanket from summer storage. It is draped over the back of the chair, above.

But she sometimes gets there first. I draped it partly over her, rather hoping that she wouldn't like it and, therefore, vamoose, but it worked as effectively as the towel did in the warmer weather as she settled in for a very long nap.

I wasn't expecting her to go back on her own later, but she did.

Hopefully, nether cat nor human (note who came first) will require the blanket too much for the next few weeks. It is too early to get this cold — -1°C at the moment, but we are in for a bit of a reprieve as the temperatures will reach double digits later today.

Perhaps we can enjoy a few nice autumn drives and have a nice Thanksgiving next weekend.


Barbara Rogers said...

Oh my, I remember life with a cat! And all those towels to keep fur in some semblance of control. She's so pretty, pesky and loveable. Give her a pet and say Barbara would love to have given it to her. My last kitty has been gone over a year, and I'm visiting one right now...ah.

Marie Smith said...

It’s been in the single digits here in the days. A bit warmer next week. Let’s hope winter doesn’t set in too early this year, AC. Feel better soon!

William Kendall said...

She looks quite comfortable!

We got frost in the city last night too.

Mage said...

I hope you are slightly better. One of my nurses suggested I get a recliner, but I cough less when vertical. It's only in the 40's here, but my body thinks it is cold.

Joanne Noragon said...

You have some pretty cold nights coming up. Not winter, but frost on the car.
I believe I prefer my relationship with my cat. I told him, "you're not the boss of me!" and he isn't.

Jenn Jilks said...

This is exactly what happens here, only with JB's chair. Same thing in his office. He's been keeping treats by the chair, to throw on the floor. I think Annabelle is on to this, though. It just encourages her!!!

Kay said...

Oh my! What a snuggly little cat!