Thursday, August 01, 2024

Back to that Cottage

About a week ago, I posted two photos here (actually two variations of a single  photo)  of a dilapidating cottage. Since then, I haven't taken many other photos, so, in a manner of speaking, I returned to that cottage.

We didn't physically go back to the cottage, but I did go back to the other photos that I took on our visit. I was quite disappointed with those photos at first, particularly this first photo. It was in colour and was very drab.

With no new photography to develop, I went back to the RAW cottage photos, and I decided to process this ↑ one a bit. Of course the main thing was to convert it to mono and add a bit of contrast. In the end, I liked it better than what I posted here, just about a week ago. It got attention on Flickr, and as I write this, it has had almost 4000 views.

This next one isn't as good, but it is okay. We continue to be housebound in the heat, so I have been experimenting at the computer.

Last week I showed the whole dwelling, but I did take a different full photo too. In the previous post, someone suggested that the photo needed an ominous sky instead of a blank one, so made that adjustment. Does it look a bit creepy?

This nasty heat will be sticking both with us and to us (literally) for another three or four days. Previously, it has at least cooled down sufficiently at night to open the windows and get some relief, but we have recently been leaving the AC on (which it the title of this blog but with a different meaning) for much of the night. Poor Sue does not do well in the heat; she seems to experience it 10 degrees hotter than the average person, and that is closer to 20 degrees in Fahrenheit. You might think that I am exaggerating, but she really suffers in hot weather.


And since posting the above, I have added one more variation of the previous photo, adding some weather elements for effect.


Val Ewing said...

I find that going back sometimes and looking at a photo in a different way really adds to the experience of photography.

I'm on Flickr also and would love to know your Flickr contact! I enjoy Flickr so much!

These really speak to the condition of the cottage when done in these tones.

Val Ewing said...

Fun! These were excellent elements to add to the scene!

Barbara Rogers said...

Have fun with re-do-ing and editing. It's yours after all. I kind of like the first cloudy one rather than lightening. But wow, you can sure do lots with editing!

Sandra said...

I also like the one without the weather better, that's not saying I don't like the one with weather. :)

I understand what you are saying regarding Sue and heat. I have the same problem. I melt.

Debby said...

Whoa! Those last two pictures? The decorative angled boards make that house look angry!


It’s fascinating to see how you’ve transformed the cottage photos through different processing techniques. The monochrome version with added contrast really captures a hauntingly beautiful feel, and the ominous sky adds a great dramatic touch. I hope the cooler weather arrives soon for some much-needed relief from the heat. Thanks for sharing these creative edits!

I have just shared a new blog post and I would love for you to check it out and give me your feedback on Thank you

RedPat said...

Love that 1st shot. Like the cottage without the lightning best.
Stay cool.

gigi-hawaii said...

Awful. That house looks haunted and spooky.

Granny Sue said...

Changed from a simple photo to art, just like that.
We have had to leave the AC on at night too. Last night it stayed above 80 until the wee hours. Nasty.

Vicki Lane said...

I really like the addition of ominous sky/weather!

Marie Smith said...

The weather adds another element. Nice!

roentare said...

Great decay adds to the mood

Jenn Jilks said...

It does give me the creeps. A setting for a horror show!

Margaret said...

You've added a lot of ambiance to those house photos. I'm with Sue except with humidity. I can't stand high humidity; the sick sweaty feeling is so awful. Hope you get some cooler weather!

Judy from Maine said...

Your weather effects really upped the creepiness. Good job. I’m with Sue..strongly dislike this heat, I’ll take winter any day.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Heat is back here as well and like you two we're staying indoors, especially this weekend (unlike the previous one) as thunderstorms are also in the forecast. The weather effects were a good addition, now about that power line in the upper right 😉

Jeanie said...

These are fun. I admire what you do. The heat here is grim. Hang in there.

Liz Hinds said...

Wow! THat is such an atmospheric cottage.