Thursday, August 15, 2024

Fixing the Light

While Sue dragged me about for shopping errands, I noticed interesting trucks on a construction site near WallyWorld. There is a truck meme/group on Flickr called HTT, Happy Truck  Thursday. The fellow who created the group is a Flickr friend, so I pay attention to the group to some degree although I seldom submit a photo.

But this was my chance, so I remembered to return with my camera. It was early evening, around 7:30, and I was surprised to see the sun already so low and the light so dim. The trucks were in shadow, and the sky was hazy (more info at the end), but of course, I squeezed the shutter regardless. 

Back at the computer, I did my best to breathe some life into the images, including adding a fake sky over the blank one in the original photo. I was trying to fix the light, as it were, and just for fun, I chose a sunset sky. As was the case yesterday, I don't mind playing around with photos when they were taken in poor conditions.

Once again, it is all for casual fun to share in passing. There is nothing exemplary about this stuff.

Of course, as is my wont*, I did mono versions as well. I can't seem to help myself.

At the very least, it was the first time in a long while that I made an effort to go out a photoshoot just for me. Lately, I mostly seem to tag along with Sue when she wanders about with her phone.

The next morning when I looked out, I saw that the atmosphere was still hazy. It reminded me a little of the smoke from last year's forest fires. I wondered if I was just imagining things, for I hadn't heard anything about it. Then, on social media I saw a map that showed that, yes, we are located within a vast area that is being affected by smoke from forest fires.

* Wont: one's customary behavior in a particular situation.


DJan said...

Congratulations on finding a HTT entry. I enjoyed your efforts very much.

Marie Smith said...

Well done, AC. Good you are out with photos in mind again!

Sandra said...

I do like your sky addition. I wouldn't have known if you hadn't told us. I like the mono photos.

Granny Sue said...

I think the sky is a brilliant choice, really livens up the photos. I prefer the color versions, they have such texture.
Sad news about the smoke. I hope it gets no worse.

Margaret said...

I like the sky you chose. My oldest grandson would love those machines. Wild fire smoke, yuck. We need rain!

Vicki Lane said...

Great skies! Makes the trucks quite inspiring!

PipeTobacco said...

While I really enjoy monochrome imagery, in this case, the yellow of the vehicles feels important and integral and in my opinion make the original images “pop” more (to use the vernacular I have heard a lot recently). Cool images (both the color and monochrome) as always!!!


RedPat said...

I think I usually prefer the colour version of pics as here the yellow is the star.

Cloudia said...

These are Important photos!

DB Stewart said...

I feel like I should apologize for the smoke originating here in Western Canada. Sigh.

roentare said...

Tweaking of the photos is part of artistic journey for photographers.

Joanne Noragon said...

Great shots. Keep on shooting.

Val Ewing said...

Sky swapping can surely help some shots! And editing is really a lot of fun when you are just experimenting like this. Well done!

Debby said...

I liked the sky, but because I am a big no-nothing about photography, I wonder how much more impressive that photo would have been using some common item for scale and standing slightly at a backward angle to it.

I like that you're getting a chance to play around with your hobby a bit. You've seemed a bit down lately, understandable, with so much on your plate.

Jenn Jilks said...

Isn't that the trick, to remember the camera!!!!

Jenny the Pirate said...

I like the organic way you approach photographic subjects. Once I followed a photographer who was all f this, iso that, focal length blah blah blah. I didn't know much about what she was talking about. I shoot from the heart and edit the same way. I think you do too. xoxo