Saturday, August 31, 2024

Did You Know?

Did you know that the tenth president of the USA, who has born in 1790, has a grandson living today?

John Tyler, the tenth president, was born in 1790 and has a grandson, Harrison Tyler, who was born in 1928 and is alive in 2024.

John Tyler had a son, Lyon, at age 63 in 1853.

Lyon had a son, Harrison, at the ripe old age of 75 in 1928.

According to Wikipedia, Harrison Tyler is still alive, 234 years after President John Tyler was born..

 Did you know that Charles Darwin and Steve Irwin owned the same tortoise?

The tortoise, Harriet, was reportedly collected by Charles Darwin during his 1835 visit to the Galapagos Islands.

Harriet was taken to England before ending up in Australia, where she eventually lived at the Australia Zoo which was owned by Steve and Terri Irwin.

Harriet lived until 2006 when she was thought to be 191 years old.

Harriet (Wikipedia)

Did you know that the first successful airplane flight and the moon landing were only 66 years apart?

The Wright brothers flew the Kittyhawk for 12 seconds in 1903

Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin walked on the moon in 1969, four days after after launching from Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

From 12 seconds to 4 days through space. Amazing. 

I watched the moon landing live on a black and white television. I wasn't allowed to stay up for the Kittyhawk telecast.


I found this information and much more in a tweet by Time Capsule Tales.


DJan said...

Fascinating facts! I am amazed by all that longevity.

Barbara Rogers said...

Those men sure do stretch out the generations. The rest of us just have to accept being in a cohort of about 20 years...then another generation is formed, and eventually given a name. We don't get our generational name until we have some characteristics that are evident...think of Baby Boomers. But Gen X and Gen Z kind of blend in my brain actually.

Jeanie said...

I knew none of this but it was fun!

Boud said...

Fun stuff! I thought my mother and I were remarkable for spanning three centuries, but we're not in the Tyler class! She was born in 1895, I in 1938, and still here doing okay in the 21st century.
Why didn't that man return Harriet home to the Galapagos instead of a zoo?

Sandra said...

Those men were busy! It's really too bad you weren't allowed to stay up to watch the Kittyhawk flight, I'm sure it was interesting.

Marie Smith said...

Interesting, AC. Rather amazing about the grandson still alive all those years later.

Cloudia said...

You always find interesting things to share AC. Thank you.
wasn't allowed to stay up for the Kittyhawk telecast! LoL

Margaret said...

I looked up the Tyler thing a few years ago because I couldn't believe it. There were at one time two grandsons alive but one died. The other one will be 96 so he won't be around much longer.

Granny Sue said...

Fascinating facts! I sure would like to meet Mr. Tyler. How very surprising that he is still living. My husband's family has similar generational leaps. His father was born in 1919, his grandfather in 1873, and great-grandfather in 1814! It was pretty easy to trace his family back to their immigration from Sweden in 1642.

Marcia said...

Amazing trivia!

RedPat said...

Interesting facts.
$12 blueberries is a bit much!

roentare said...

I am fascinated by the fact about Harriet.

Red said...

Development has speeded up much more since 1969.

Joanne Noragon said...

My father was pleased he was around for the first flight and the first moon landing.

Debby said...

I did not know these things. That is fascinating.

gigi-hawaii said...

These men can impregnate women at an advanced age, but their wives must have been incredibly younger!

As for the moon landing in 1969, I watched it at a Bank of America in Bangkok, Thailand. Go, USA!!!

Ed said...

I didn't know the first two factoids. The last one I knew the dates but had never calculated the time between them. What shocks me more though is that we went from flying to going to the moon in 66 year and in 55 years we are still struggling to get people to and FROM the space station.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

No, I did not know any of these amazing facts and as you well know, AC, I always enjoy learning more interesting trivia. i seem to collect it๐Ÿ˜‰