Thursday, August 08, 2024

Little Walks and Photos

This week, I've taken a few photos while out and about but still not with the big camera.

After the heat wave finally ended, Sue and I went for a little walk along the bridge trail. After reaching the span over the river, we turned back. It was then that I took this photo from the trail, looking down into Hackberry park. It's just a phone photo, but it turned out pretty well. 

The next day, Wednesday, found us on the section of the Riverwalk Trail near the arena. I had my compact camera with me this time. This trail parallels the river, but there are a couple of short paths that lead down to the water. The river is running very low right now despite the fact that it has been a fairly rainy summer, at least up until the last week or two.

What you see in the photo is actually a distributary with the main channel on the other side of the island in the picture. Nevertheless, there is quite a torrent during the spring melt.

We did not get right down to the water because the path is sloping, rocky and twiggy beyond where I took the photo. By twiggy, I mean, just look at the next photo.

Back on the main trail again, I took a photo looking at the bank on the opposite side of the river.

It was a nice enough stroll on a moderate day without many nasty insects to spoil the outing.


Marie Smith said...

Glad the mosquitoes weren’t biting. They can ruin an outing. Autumn will be glorious there.

gigi-hawaii said...

I love the first photo with all those green leafy trees. Lovely.

Barbara Rogers said...

I liked the first photo a lot, and the second too. But the last one didn't let me see much of the bank since it was so dark. Probably the way my screen is set up to not blast me with higher lighting. I prefer a kind of warm blue screen.

PipeTobacco said...

I greatly enjoy the phone photos, especially the first one! Do you think you are not wanting to take out your big camera because you aren’t feeling so enthused emotionally? Or is it just a time where you know there are not subjects that are especially appealing to you?

I ask this mostly because I have times where I get “down” and do not feel like doing things I normally like to do. I hope that is not what you are experiencing.


Sandra said...

Your photos are very good, phone camera or not. The twiggy photo looks like a broken hip waiting to happen.

Celia said...

Such a goregeous place to walk. Love the first photo especially.

Granny Sue said...

That first photo is magical. Well, I actually like them all. Hope you are feeling well these days!

RedPat said...

It is nice that you were able to get out and not be attacked by insects. We have had so much rain that they are everywhere.

roentare said...

The rich green of the woods is very memorable. The black and white shot of the woods are very good

Vicki Lane said...

What a lovely place to walk! No need to apologize for your phone photos--they're excellent.

Val Ewing said...

Wow. I live 30 miles from the Mississippi and so many places along the shore line are rooted and rocky like your photo.
You captured so much beauty with the dappled sunlight!
What a great place to have a nice little trail.

Joanne Noragon said...

Great composition in that first photo. It's still raining here, daily.

Jeanie said...

You have some beautiful lighting here. Very nice indeed.

Margaret said...

I love all the trees and water, probably because they look like home!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Nice to get out on a day that's not too hot and without too many annoying flying insects. Thanks for the humorous comment on my geese post today.