Monday, August 26, 2024

Turtle and Bog

I was hoping for waterlilies, and I guess we found them, but if they had flowered, the blooms were long gone.

Too bad, but then Sue spotted a wee turtle who made its way to the log that we see above and below. What a cutie!

We hiked back over the footbridge. It's boggy over there but not usually this wet in late August. I took a sweeping video and then some photos trying to look at shapes and spots of light. The video was too big to upload through Blogger, so I used the YouTube path. I was able to enlarge this YT video just as I had those that I inserted directly into Blogger earlier as posted here recently.

A few photos from within the above scene.

As we headed back toward the car, we noticed a bit of colour here and there. It's too early! Doncha think?


Marie Smith said...

What a glorious setting, AC. Great video. I always do videos on the YouTube route. It will provide an autumn spectacular shortly.

Val Ewing said...

You found some beautiful light and variations of green. It looks so peaceful. I do love the reflections of the trees in the water near the last of the photos. Just so lush, green and full of beautiful light.
We have leaves turning here also, but those that are turning have had damage.

Barbara Rogers said...

We also have a few leaves turning colors. Last week we started having nights in the 50s, and though we're getting up to 80s still in daytime again, the nights are wonderfully cool. I like the last ones of this post best, enjoying seeing how light hits the vegetation.

Ed said...

In a new normal year, i.e. drought like, we would have some turning already, but this year has been so plentiful with moisture, everything is still green. The crops this year are going to be late to ripen but will set record yields like I probably have never seen in my lifetime.

gigi-hawaii said...

Always something interesting to photograph! Lovely setting.

PipeTobacco said...

I think the later state of Summer and the heat of this particular Summer had the Water Lilly flowers not last particularly long. I have not seen any around me in at least a month or more.

The SPACE that Blogger puts in that you wrote about..... I NEVER REALIZED it was done by Blogger.... I always thought that somehow I was doing something stupid and after I wrote the first paragraph and saw the misalingment, I would correct it (or at least I did so IF I noticed it).

It was interesting that you spoke of two spaces being used for the indentation of a paragraph. I had never known/seen that. I am used to (and still DO) two spaces after the period in a sentences, although it is considered "non-necessary" these days. I can say though that I dislike reading papers my students turn in that do not have the double space between sentences.

I am used to new indents on paragraphs (when used) being five spaces.


Sandra said...

You live in a beautiful place. The photos and video are peaceful. I have some maple trees turning yellow. It is early.

Vicki Lane said...

A lovely place--so peaceful. With a bonus turtle!

Granny Sue said...

I do so enjoy bogs and wetlands. No idea why, perhaps because my English ancestors were from the fenlands? Your photos are enchanting, AC. Looks like a magical place.

Karen said...

We drove into Grand Lake in Algonquin via Barron Canyon Rd. yesterday. A few brilliant maples starting to show. When we were coming back from Manitoulin last week we noticed the colors were more obvious as we travelled south on Hwy 11.

RedPat said...

I'm always thrilled to spot a turtle in the wild.

Rosalea said...

What a lovely place to walk. Bet it isn't so nice in springtime with biting insects! There is some colour showing up, and a definite fading of the vibrant greens of spring and summer. In a month or so, things will really be coloured up.

roentare said...

It is such a place with serenity to walk in. The turtle is so cute

Red said...

Early or not , many leaves are changing color.

Margaret said...

So lush and green! I love turtles, especially the small ones. The big ones have very pointy and painful looking beaks. (mouths?)

Jeanie said...

It looks like a beautiful hike and the turtles are a special bonus!

Joanne Noragon said...

It seems all that water has kept August

Debby said...

It IS too early, but that is not going to stop fall, is it? Something that is mind boggling is the amount of apples. The trees are just loaded, to the point that old trees are simply losing their branches. The deer love that. Are you seeing that phenomenon up there?

Jenny the Pirate said...

Nice vid! No it's not too early, hahaha! Let's do it. Let's do fall. xoxo