Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Return of the Bees

They're back!

I posted, worriedly, some time ago about the dearth of bees on the Joe Pye, but last evening  I saw one, and then I saw more.

I had gone out back to take some trash out and also to fill the birdbaths. After I filled the farthest bath, I saw a bee flying around the lilac bush.

So I checked our Joe, and I saw it again, or perhaps a different one. And then I saw another and then a whole bunch. I guess they just come late to us, perhaps as other food sources diminish.

I was greatly pleased.

The photos are not from last night but from September 2022. 

Oh . . . Since then, that sneaky scalawag, Sue, snuck out and took some current photos.


Jenn Jilks said...

Hah, 'scalawag' indeed. Happy your bees are back.

Boud said...

Yes, we do come to appreciate the bees when they've been scarce. I think the long cold spring affected them and butterflies.

Barbara Rogers said...

Well that's a good sign.

Marie Smith said...

Yay for the bees. We’d be lost as a species without them.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Good news! I wonder where they were and what made them come to your yard all of a sudden.

Granny Sue said...

That is good to hear.

RedPat said...

I have left my basil to flower and the bees are loving it.

Debby said...

I was just mesmerized by the photo of the bee displaying his wings. I don't know that I ever bothered to study a bumble bee's wings so closely before. They are a wonder. I watched a bee on our toadflax yesterday morning, methodically working his way from one blossom to the next. They are a fascinating little creature, aren't they?

MARY G said...

Love the photo and the collage. And the shot of Sabine doing her thing, for that matter.
I must, must figure out how to isolate and move objects. Must. You are challenging me to get off my lazy butt and work on photograph editing.

Margaret said...

Great captures! I love bumbles. I'm not seeing as many bees as normal either, nor butterflies.

Damselfly said...

Gorgeous photos! We had lots of bees earlier this year, not so many now. Dragonflies and damselflies have been plentiful!

Karen said...

My sunflowers are FULL of bumblebees!

roentare said...

Love the bees as I see them harvesting honey

peppylady (Dora) said...

We been having plenty of yellow jacket this year.


It's great to hear the bees are making a comeback—your observation must have been a relief! Your photos from last year are lovely, and it's exciting to hear Sue got some fresh shots too. Wishing you a fantastic week ahead! Check out my new style post: ( Thank you!

Jeanie said...

I'm so glad your bees are back. The photos are fabulous.

DrumMajor said...

Just don't let Sue turn one of those cute fuzzy flitters into an indoor pet! Linda in Kansas

Red said...

Good you've got bees and awesome photos by the Sneak.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Bees are buzzing again at your bids, beautiful to see.

Christina said...

It has been a bad year for pollinators in my garden... just the occasional bee, not many butterflies either. Glad to see you have found a good number in your garden!

Rosalea said...

I sent them south.... Don't you just want to reach out and stroke those furry little bodies?? Great array of pics.

DJan said...

So glad to hear the bees are back!

Jenny the Pirate said...

That intrepid Sue, what a rascal! Bees upon the Eutrochium, Queen of the Meadow! Simply amazing. xoxo