Monday, August 05, 2024

Changing Video Dimensions

Consider this a PSA for those who might want to upload a video from our computers directly into Blogger. Getting it uploaded is straightforward, but the video is rendered in small size. Read on if you want to viewers to see a larger version.

When we insert a video clip directly into Blogger it defaults to this ↓ size. (Note: I  am not referring to links to other platforms, such as YouTube, but videos that we upload directly from our computers into Blogger Also note, that you have seen this clip previously, so you don't need to rerun it although in is short.)

The default size can be changed to a larger size by switching from the Compose window to the HTML screen (the pencil with a down arrow at the top left on the tool bar). Then, you look for a code such as the one below. It will be in red. Look for the numbers of the height and width dimensions, which I have coloured in yellow and green for clarity.

<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><object class="BLOG_video_class" contentid="4c3f1414d128e95d" height="266" id="BLOG_video-4c3f1414d128e95d" width="320"></object></div>

We can then change the values as I have done below. I have increased both by half.

<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><object class="BLOG_video_class" contentid="4c3f1414d128e95d" height="399" id="BLOG_video-4c3f1414d128e95d" width="480"></object></div>

This is the result  and although I don't often insert videos into my posts, this is the size that I usually use.

However, in my recent Caturday post, I doubled both the height and width.

<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><object class="BLOG_video_class" contentid="4c3f1414d128e95d" height="524" id="BLOG_video-4c3f1414d128e95d" width="640"></object></div>

This was the result.

It works for me, but some bloggers have a very narrow text window, so enlarging the video by much wouldn't suit your templates, but if you do want to present your video clips larger than the default, you now know how to do it.

One caveat is that we cannot run the actual clip before we press publish; we have to publish the post first. Right now what I see in draft mode is what you see below (screen capture). I can see a proper image for the clip if I go to the Preview window, but I still cannot run it until I press Publish.

I just thought it was worth mentioning, just in case you don't know but might want to use it in the future. I think I made it sound more complicated than it is, but it is pretty easy, and it has always worked for me.


Ed said...

I needed this post a couple weeks back when I published my first critter cam videos from behind my house. I remember somebody telling me, perhaps you, that I could increase the size by doing what you did and so I tried it. It worked but the preview of it looked very funny like your last picture and I was worried I had messed it up and so I reverted it back to the original size. When the post was published, I tried again and it worked other than the preview image being quartered up. Another of many quirks of blogger.

Barbara Rogers said...

Interesting technique. I'll probably forget it before I ever need it! Happy Monday AC!

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Interesting, thanks for sharing! As you know, I post videos once in a while so this will be useful.

Sandra said...

Blogger hasn't been allowing me to upload videos from my computer. I can do YouTube, but not my own videos. Things are wonky.

Anvilcloud said...

@Snadra: Are you pressing the correct icon on the toolbar? The video symbol is right beside the photo symbol.

Ed said...

@Sandra: There is also a 100MB limit on file size. I've had to reduce the quality of mine before Blogger will let me upload them.

Sandra said...

AC, I am. It uploads the says video is not available.

Sandra said...

Ed, I will check on this. Thanks.

gigi-hawaii said...

I never take videos on any device. So, this info today does not apply to me.

Jenn Jilks said...

This is explained really well, AC.
I have been posting videos for so long, and it used to frustrate me.
I usually only post videos I've designed in iMovie. I used to use that with my students. Then, I upload them to Vimeo.
Nice tutorial!

Granny Sue said...

Interesting! I know thst i seem to only be able to upload videos less than 10 seconds long, except YouTube vids. Not sure why but it sure makes me be choosy.

Marie Smith said...

Thanks for the tip, AC.

PipeTobacco said...

Hmm. On my PHONE, all the videos you posted are the same size. Perhaps it is different on a computer monitor. I will have to go look.


PipeTobacco said...

Yes, now I see the difference in size when looking on a computer monitor. 🙂


Margaret said...

I used to post videos on my blog but never do any more. I doubt that those videos are still accessible if I went back to look. They were mostly gymnastics clips of my younger daughter. I don't remember how I did it and probably couldn't deal with anything too complicated!

peppylady (Dora) said...

Most time if I share a video. And if over let say 15 minute I will say "Long video"

Jeanie said...

I'm bookmarking this one. I make lousy videos, but you never know! Thanks!