Friday, August 02, 2024

The Reconstruction Movement Unmasked

When I was a good evangelical, Francis Schaeffer was a Christian thought leader. In the sixties or seventies, I read at least one of Schaeffer's books: True Spirituality, for sure. 

I lost track of him, but he became a key figure in the Reconstructionist movement to return Western Society to a more biblical orientation. His son, Frank Schaeffer, worked along with him and knows all about the movement and people in it.

Frank is appalled at how the movement has regressed into such a right-wing, anti-democratic belief system, and for what it is wroth, I am pretty well convinced that it is not exactly what his father, Francis Schaeffer, had in mind.

Frank exposes much of this Christian Nationalism in this video clip, and it is more extreme than one might think and, particularly, focuses on Mike Johnson.

It's scary stuff. He does not mention Project 2025 in the video, but that is the same thing as what he discusses here, written by the perpetrators themselves. They wrote most of it down, but seem to still hid the most extreme parts of their platform. As extreme as it seems, I don't think Schaeffer is a crackpot, and I think the 900 page document proves that.

Whatever your religious or political beliefs, I doubt that an Old Testament Theocracy is what people have in mind for the USA.  I know that we quickly move from blog post to blog post, or at least I tend to do this, but I think it is worth taking 19 minutes to watch this video.


Boud said...

Johnson is a scary figure, and a puppet.

Marcia said...

I watched the whole thing. Some not surprising like tRump family being mobsters, but the rest was eye opening and very very scary. I have always thought the religious right was looking more and more like the Taliban and he confirms it.

But what can I do besides VOTE for Harris?

Sandra said...

He nailed it at the end. Our problem is a lack of understanding in the US. People don't get that democracy has to be worked at, watched over, fought for. It is not a given. We are teetering on the edge. I am worried but do feel better since Harris became the candidate.

Liz Hinds said...

I haven't heard of Mike Johnson but everything about Trump and his people reeks of badness. How people who claim to be Christians can support him is beyond me.

Should Fish More said...

It's very scary to know he's now 3rd in line to be President of the US, should Biden and Harris fall. If that would happen, I doubt we'd have another election in the foreseeable future. And if trump should win, I think the same is true for a much longer than 4 years term.

Marie Smith said...

There is so much to worry about in this world these days! What’s going on in the U.S. is a big part of it.

Barbara Rogers said...

Our more local similar situation is how Billy Graham, who lived near me and started a great retreat center has been mis-interpreted by his son, or maybe grandson. All the more moderate Christians are not at all happy with the far-right-political-Christians. It's a bit strange how the autocracy is trying to take over democratic governance with a admittedly flawed system of checks and balances, but they don't have enough power for just being apolitical force and have to use religion to attract people to their side. It's all smoke and mirrors. There sure are a lot of unhappy Christians these days, and not because they are considered "conservative" either. They see how these manipulative lying politicos are using their name in vain.

Margaret said...

Johnson is indeed a terrifying figure and Project 2025 (or whatever they're calling it now) is a blueprint for a Christian theocracy/dictatorship.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

It is scarry stuff. Mixing religion and politics makes me very uncomfortable and seems so obviously wrong.

Red said...

I've heard of Frank Schaeffer but I can't remember what he was all about. Extreme religious beliefs are scary but when you mix it with politics it gets scary.

Cloudia said...

Couldn't agree with you. More! Dangerous unamerican people

Cloudia said...


Jeanie said...

You're right-- scary as all get out. These guys totally creep me out.

Vicki Lane said...

If I were a Christian--and I'm not--this movement would have me renouncing the whole thing.

Debby said...

Vicki, as a Christian who did lose her faith during these last years, i can tell you many are questioning their faith.

DB Stewart said...

I bet Margaret Atwood is nodding her head at this video.