Sunday, August 04, 2024

Blogger on the iPad . . . Working Somewhat Better

My iPad was looking different after some updates, so I thought that I would try blog-reading from it once again; it has been kerfluey for a long time.. I am pleased to say that, for the most part, it worked. Of the blogs that I accessed one day recently, I could only not comment on Furry Gnome's and Karen's blogs. Curiously, they are both located in my province, and Karen lives pretty close by. I also have some difficulty with a couple of Word Press blogs because I can's seem to recall my password, which is automatic on the computer. I should be able to rectify if I can only remember to look it up for my next blog reading session.

It is nice to be able to, once again, read from the comfort of my chair.

Continuing with this tidbits post when I have little to write . . .  I took this photo some time ago, stuck it in my Blogger folder, but never posted it. This seems like a good time to do it because I don't have much else to post. I took it with Bench Monday in mind; it's a Flickr theme.

I also found this in the same folder. Make of it what you will.


Marie Smith said...

Great cartoon! I use my iPad for everything. I wouldn’t use a laptop or desk model ever. Hope the heat is bearable there. Not so here.

DJan said...

Ha! That's a funny cartoon. I use my laptop and iPad every day and am hopeful that Blogger is working better.

Marcia said...

Good cartoon.
About that video you posted a couple of days ago, I mentioned it to Dan and he wondered how they can call themselves Christian if they only follow the Old Testament?

Boud said...

I only use a phone and Fire tablet, laptop's been outdated for years. I'm used to being portable now.

Barbara Rogers said...

I got a new iPad and then had a great deal of difficulty with doing blogger on it. There were 3 different programs. And I deleted the one that was Russian...seemed like a good idea. But I've gone back to the laptop because I can type like I've done all my life. Even with an added little keyboard for the iPad, it's too small for me to type effectively. But of course I couldn't try it out in the store, so had to take it home and try it...and I thought at least carrying it on a plane was lighter than a laptop. Long story there.

Debby said...
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Debby said...

That cartoon would be funnier if it wasn't quite so close to the truth. When the ridiculous becomes ordinary, we are screwed.

Val Ewing said...

That cartoon. The Best.

That photo sure will be a great shot for Bench Monday!

I have to be very careful with posting a cartoon such as this. My stepdaughter and her in laws are far, far, far right. If I express my feelings openly she and her husband would stop talking to us.

Sandra said...

Debby, sad and true.

That is a really good photo. I use my iMac desktop. My back does better if I sit upright at my desk. I also was online too much when I still had my macbook.

Cloudia said...

That cartoon shows the absurdity! Thanks

Ed said...

I enjoy reading posts on my iPad but don't very often because I absolutely hate leaving a comment. I'm not a hunter and pecker when it comes to typing.

Karen said...

My fellow E.Ontario blogger friends blogs seem to be the least problematic. My Michigan cousins are a total nightmare! The laptop works FAR better than the tablet for all. I can read them just fine with the tablet, but forget posting a comment outside of Canada, Huh??????

Vicki Lane said...

Oh, the hypocrisy!

RedPat said...

I use my desktop for commenting all the time but sometimes check out blogs on the ipad.
Great cartoon.

roentare said...

That statement sums up the politics there

Margaret said...

Perfect cartoon, sadly! I'm thinking about getting a tablet but dislike virtual keyboards and my computer does remember all my passwords. Change is hard!

Red said...

that's a squirmy way of trying to get out of a bad situation.

Granny Sue said...

I use my phone almost exclusively for blogging and blog-reading, and listing on ebay. It's so easy. I use my laptop for printing out ebay labels and for writing, and for my business spreadsheet. I have a nice tablet but never use it because it is much heavier and more cumbersome than my phone.

Granny Sue said...

And I too love that cartoon.

Patio Postcards said...

Thanks for the tidbits of information. I did chuckle at the cartoon.

NGS said...

Blogger is so finicky about comments and the constant need to re-enter my Wordpress password has led me to believe that there is no perfect comment system!

Jenn Jilks said...

Such an iconic image for summer!

Jeanie said...

I really should get an ipad! Great cartoon!