Monday, August 19, 2024

An August Cottage Vacation

For more than 20 years, we would visit Sue's sister's cottage in their cottagey near-north amongst the rocks and coniferous trees. Once I retired, we would usually go for a week or so in early autumn and/or winter, but I can't remember why were were there that particular August. Perhaps we lingered for awhile after one of the two family reunions that took place there. 

It was a good place for me to amble about with my camera,

Let's begin the photo reveal with our accommodation that summer.

Actually the tent was just where we slept: outdoors in the cool breezes amidst the sounds of the crickets. We had a very comfy air mattress, and with the cottage facilities just a hop, skip and a jump away, it was like having the best of both worlds.

During daylight hours this was the the eastern view from behind the tent.

One evening I took a long exposure from just outside the cottage, looking down toward the barn. The original exposure was actually darker than this, but knowing how a low-light photos tend to look very dark here in Blogger, I did lighten it.

Early the next morning, I took a photo from close to the same spot.

I believe that I also took the next photo on the same morning as I wandered about the acreage and saw the rising sun peeking over the trees..

A few mornings later, there was a grand sunset looking in the other direction, westward toward the front of the property.

The next night, the colours were exceptional. I took a variety of photos: this one on the road just outside the fence line. I was in photographic heaven.

There was a full moon that week; I think it was a supermoon, and I also think this may have been my first attempt at photographing the moon. I am pleased to say that I have had better results subsequent to this one, but this is also about my memories and experiences that week, and so I include it here.

A small river ran along the back of the property, but one morning I drove the car about 15 minutes to the nearest lake, hoping to catch a sunrise. My lake pictures were quite meh, so I shall move us along to my return trip to the cottage.

At one point I pulled over to photograph the crows on the road. I did not exaggerate the colour of the sky. It was impressive, as you shall also see in the photo after this one.

I took this next photo at another roadside stop. I love how the wires on the right are lit by the rising sun.

Those last two photos should give you an idea of the geography of the area. It is rural, rugged, and often appealing.

What pleasant memories we have from there and not just from this occasion.


gigi-hawaii said...

An air mattress sounds good, better than what happened to me when I was a teenager camping out in a tent at the beach. The sand was just awful. My poor back!

Marie Smith said...

Great photos and wonderful memories!

Val Ewing said...

All of these are so beautiful! For some reason, I adore the road and the crows in it with the orange light. Your last one too. A lonely road...somewhere beautiful. A road we'd all love to admire and drive down.
Thank you for these gorgeous photos and taking us on your journey.

Sandra said...

Thank you for sharing these memories. Rural, rugged, beautiful and peaceful.

Barbara Rogers said...

A great album of memories, and some fantastic photos! My fav is the kind of spooky night shot. You can tell it's night, but then there's somehow colors, which just made me scratch my head.

RedPat said...

I like the night shot a lot. This post must have brought back a lot of memories for you.

Margaret said...

Lovely photos and memories! I did a lot of tent camping with an air mattress but have been spoiled now by John's camper and queen size bed.

Should Fish More said...

Lovely photographs, reminds me of places I've seen in northern New England.

Granny Sue said...

Idyllic place, and your photos really capture that.. what does near-north mean? I have never heard that term before.

Anvilcloud said...

@Granny. I am using near north bc it is north of the very populated area by the Great Lakes, but it is really not far north in latitude. IOW there’s a huge amount of north beyond this.

Debby said...

I love the 6th picture. Those trees silhouetted are just gorgeous.

roentare said...

Nature is the best therapy for us

PipeTobacco said...

If I am understanding correctly, these are 20 years old? I presume it was actual film back then and that you have scanned prints?

I especially like the crows photo for the framing of the background to the crows and the color of the sky.


Red said...

You have more than memories. You have some very colorful sky photos.

Jenn Jilks said...

What lovely memories!
I must admit I've never slept in a tent. Our kids are going canoe camping in Algonquin next week. It's supposed to warm up!

Anvilcloud said...

Pipe: I see why you thought 20 years. We visited the cottage off and on for that long. This was in 2013, however. I guess I should have said. Mind you, I think I had my first DSLR 20 years ago. The technology was young, however.

Jeanie said...

It looks like a beautiful place to spend some time. I love all the photos, too. Rick adores his tent. I don't do ground, though!

Jenny the Pirate said...

This post has been like a breath of fresh air, good for the soul. Gorgeous scenery and wonderful pictures. I have been to photographic heaven and it is a special place. xoxo