Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Reprocessing Past Photos

As I have previously posted, my photography has been close to non-existent lately. Although I can more or less keep up this blog, I hadn't been posting much to Flickr. Then, I found a folder with photos that I had once posted but then reprocessed at another point in the past. I had stuck them in a folder and had promptly forgotten about them. Upon rediscovery, I decided to post them to Flickr. Then I thought that I could use them here too. I will post them in the sequence that I posted (or will post) to Flickr, so they are not in chronological order.

The first is of Danica, from April 2013. What an expression! That pouty look garnered the photo some notice on Flickr with more than 4.5K views.

Next in my Flickr posting came Sue and JJ sharing quite a funny moment in May 2014

I went to town on the processing of this next photo of JJ in the park. I think that I would call this fine art, but maybe that is too bold of me: September 2015.

At a family gathering in August 2015, I caught my BiL and his DiL shucking corn.

Also at the cottage in June 2013, I had a howling good time with Zeus. My BiL had three dogs over the time that we hung our together. Zeus was my fave. Sometimes when we were all at cottage on Sunday, the four adults would huddle up and begin to sing the doxology (for fun), and Zeus would join in a very wonderful pack howl. We began to call is the dogsology.

This was a very early (October 2004) digital photo with Sue's Canon Elph camera (I think). Once I was exposed to digital photography, I found that I preferred to use the little compact camera over my grand Canon SLR film camera. Soon after, however, I bought my first Canon DSLR Rebel. (Some photographers have stuck to film photography, but I find it hard to understand why.)

Brian aka Treebeard, emerging from the forest

The final photo is also of Brian from August 2016. Brian has a pretty interesting face for photography, and it is ok to process men in a grainy, textured way. Women, however, tend not to appreciate similar treatment.

That is what was in the folder. It makes me think that I should find some more oldies to reprocess.


PipeTobacco said...

Wow! In your 2013 photo with Zeus, your hair/beard was still very dark!!!! I was already very grey.


Marie Smith said...

Great family shots, AC.

It is too hot here to be out and about much. For my next post, I’ll have to go through my old photos too!

Anvilcloud said...

@Pipe. It is still not exactly gray, depending partly on the light.

gigi-hawaii said...

Interesting photos. Very clear and detailed.

Ed said...

Last week I was reading on another forum a discussion about film versus digital photography. There were a few trying to justify using 35 mm film, mainly because they could keep it better organized and they could pay a little extra to get a digital scan on a DVD when they had it developed. That made no sense to me.

Barbara Rogers said...

I was in a photo department yesterday of a CVS store, and saw no film for sale. I like you and Zeke singing together, but I think you just wanted to show off your very well trimmed beard! The shot of JJ on the climbing bars certainly is art, as are several portraits. But you'll have to get out there pushing them to get into a museum.

Granny Sue said...

These are all good studies, AC. The one of JJ and the one of Brian coming out of the forest are my favorites. Good work here. I hope you do post more of your edited work.

Sandra said...

I also see this as art. The one of JJ does deserve the addition of fine.

Marcia said...

What a nice look back in time. Always good to do once in awhile.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Great photos, great memories!

RedPat said...

The shots at the end of Brian are so textural but you are right, I wouldn't like to be that grainy. Nice selection of shots.

Vicki Lane said...

Those are some excellent portraits!

DB Stewart said...

Impressive artistry. More oldies, please.

roentare said...

I have been thinking about getting a film scanner processing the old time shots. They are treasures

Jeanie said...

These are all such fun. I especially love that one of Danica, though. Best face ever!

peppylady (Dora) said...

I forgot about flicker.

Red said...

Processing oldies , sometimes brings back oldie memories.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

These were certainly oldies but goodies, AC, and the black and white enhanced them even more. My days of using a big camera are all but gone.

Margaret said...

These are truly Art and I love the stories that go along with them!

37paddington said...

Beautiful photos, wonderfully old school, even if they are digital.

Patio Postcards said...

Wonderful photos of the grandkids - like Dancia's pouty look. The last photo, of Brian is fantastic.

Cloudia said...

Wow! These really are excellent! So glad I didn't miss them. Well done AC!

MARY G said...

These are fun. I have a grainy, reprocessed shot of myself that is, um, depressing to consider.
Like you I find that I have almost abandoned my big camera and telephoto lens. Partly because of the weight of the things. I vividly recall lugging the whole bag of tricks around Oxford on a beautiful spring day, taking record photos for my mother. By the end of the day I was wiped and at that time we were running a sugar bush so I was in shape.
I struggle with the iPhone, though. I can get my whole finger into the photo. We are starting a camera club out here in the fall, so maybe I will improve.
Looking at your work is frequently a lesson, you know. Thank you.