Friday, July 19, 2024

Neither Port, Nor Parthenon

We had planned this little getaway regardless, but we were fortunate that the high heat and humidity broke for the day. Our plan was to drive to Portland and then to Athens and perhaps on to Toledo. We did not get to Toledo, and we didn't see the port of Portland or the Parthenon on the Acropolis. In point of fact, we didn't see any of the acropolis. How disappointing!

Haha. You may recall that we drove the hour to Portland for breakfast at the Recess Cafe for Sue's birthday back in March. When I was looking for new (to us) places to visit, I decided on the village of Athens, a little more than an hour south of us. In our almost two decades here we hadn't explored that area. We began at the Recess Cafe in Portland., which, like the two American Portlands, is on the water: however, with no interesting harbour to explore.

As is custom, phone pics were taken across the table. I don't know which one I prefer, so you get two for the price of one.

An hour later we were on the road to Athens. There had been no particular reason to go, other than the name and that we hadn't been there yet.

There were murals on the Main street. Please excuse the finger in the first. I do that far too often on the phone. The murals depicted village life in the early 1900s.

As Sue contemplated her day's photo prompt, she decided that we should next go to Rideau Ferry, so I told Google to take us there and forego the plan to see Toledo. I'll bypass describing our  Rideau Ferry stop for this post and post more tomorrow, but once we were done with that place, I checked with GMaps and found that we were only 15 minutes from Perth where Shauna works and where Danica was also helping out on the Reception Desk for a half day.

What I will say is that, although I had brought all of my photo equipment for the day, I didn't get it out of the trunk once. For the kind of pictures available that day, the phone sufficed. This does not make me exceedingly happy, but it is how life is going right now.

Oh, and what I will also say is that the drive from Athens to Rideau Ferry was quite lovely for the rural roads that we were driving along were lined for mile after mile with Queen Anne's lace. Many stretches  also included blue chicory. What a treat!

Oh . . . and as a bit of an afterthought, here is Sue's breakfast photo of the perpetrator of this blog.


Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Your day outing looked like it was a delightful journey, even if you didn't get to see the Acropolis (perhaps another time). As for the photos of Sue, I prefer the second one and Danica is a lovely young lady. And, yes, it was nice to see you as well 😉

Barbara Rogers said...

What a fun day trip, including a granddaughter! I liked both Sue's portraits, as well as yours. So nice to not have sunglasses in portraits!

DJan said...

I love those murals. And the two shots of Sue, I can see why you couldn't choose between them. Nice little excursion, thanks for sharing.

Marcia said...

My kind of day tripping. That is some mural!

gigi-hawaii said...

Nice mural. I haven't been on a day trip since August, when we drove to Turtle Bay on the North Shore.

Sandra said...

Such a pleasant way to spend a day. How can one choose between photos of elegant Sue! I also really like the murals, beautiful. your granddaughter is a lovely young woman and you look chipper.

Red said...

Nothing like a good drive in the country.

RedPat said...

I haven't been for a restful drive in the country for years.

Boud said...

I think that third mural would be a great jigsaw. And that natural bouquet of qal and chicory is a roadside pleasure here, too. I haven't been out enough to see it this year. Yet.

Margaret said...

Love the travels although at first the names confused me. Did you travel to Maine, Greece and Scotland? I keep forgetting that many countries and states share the same names. LOL The murals are gorgeous!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Wow, wonderful detail and colors in those murals. Your phone camera (and it's operator) take wonderful photos!

roentare said...

Nice to get outdoors regardless. It does wonder. The murals are very good

DB Stewart said...

Love the way your wife looks at you.

Marie Smith said...

That was a great excursion. Love those murals!

Joanne Noragon said...

A lovely outing and the murals in Athens are great.

Jenn Jilks said...

My late client was in Portland. In fact, I had another one just prior, on the main street as well.
You passed my house for sure. Not that you can see it from the road.

MARY G said...

It's a good year for roadside flowering weeds - alternate rain and sun. Is blue chickory the same as cornflower? I can never remember. I grew up with my grandmother's names for all the pickable wild flowers.
I like the cup photo.
You had quite a drive. And Danica looked very professional.

Granny Sue said...

Sounds like a good outing, and I bet you needed one after the summer you have had. You both look great!

Jeanie said...

This looks like a great time out! Lots of smiles, and it sounds like loads of fun. I love that you two do this!

Debby said...

The perpetrator looks quite brighteyed and bushy tailed on this day!