Friday, April 12, 2024

Honking Horde

We walked around the pond, the bigger one and not the one that we visit frequently. It was a bit of a slog because, aside from the pond itself, the path is stark with no trees to speak of, and it was also somewhat mushy.

One quite wonderful thing did occur. There were geese at the far end, but then we heard much honking as another large skein approached. They teased us by going around twice before they actually landed, all accompanied by much noise.

I am not a video guy, but I held up the phone and took a few clips. I merged them into the one video, below (about 37 seconds).

I really enjoyed see so many geese, honking their little hearts out, before they finally landed on the pond and continued honking furiously for a long while afterward. I guess they were catching up with old friends.


  1. Wonderful...
    I love it!
    Wild geese in the air with loud chatter and in a large flock... we have often gone to the island of Öland/Sweden to experience this...
    Thank you very much.
    A hug to you from Viola

  2. That was certainly a lot of geese & so wonderful to be able to witness their gathering.

  3. Love the geese video. It’s never a boring walk when there are geese around.

  4. Around here this is a common sight, and if they would only fly over water! Hundreds of them flying over the parking lot, decorating everything below, not so much.

  5. What a great opportunity to watch/listen to these extraordinary creatures! And being so far away, you couldn't catch the splashes they made, they just disappeared into the dark clutch of swimmers.

  6. My guess is they are saying, "Look out below. I'm coming in hot!"

  7. Wow! That's a lot of geese. Perhaps a family reunion.

  8. Great! I wish geese flew here.

  9. Now THAT is a very cool swarm of geese. It's a good sound to hear!

  10. Oh my. Fun. We get them most evenings, this time of year, arguing about landing in the big marsh close to our house. I suspect they also argue in the morning but I am not about to crawl out of bed at dawn to find out.
    Lovely picture, too.

  11. Thank you for capturing that lovely moment!

  12. It is a wonderful sound.

  13. I've only seen that once, at a wildlife refuge in New York State. Amazing to see,

  14. Geese are always worth watching. As you say , they circled twice probably looking for their friends.

  15. Thanks for the sight and sound,lovely.

  16. The geese make a spectacular view

  17. A lotta birds! A lotta noise.

  18. I wish we knew more about how animals communicate. I'm scared of geese but fine if they're in the air or far away. :)

  19. Awww... This is so much fun to see. The only geese we have that I know about is the Nene and we sure don't see them in the quantity that you did. That's awesome!

  20. The geese are WONDERFUL! "Honking their little hearts out" ... I like that. xoxo
