Thursday, February 01, 2024

Getting Noticed

I post almost-daily photos on Flickr. I don't post to many subgroups looking for many comments and validation. I have a few friends who drop by and leave a comment or a fave. It's something like Blogger in that way. I don't go far out of my way to friend other bloggers, but I am happy to have found a few who visit me and I them.

Most of my Flickr photos do not garner many views: sometimes a few dozen, and sometimes a few hundred. I don't pay much attention really. I had to go back and check just to give you those numbers.

Occasionally, a photo gets noticed by Flickr itself, and they put it in a group called Explored. Once there, many people may see it and check it out. It is not necessarily what I think are my best photos that gets noticed, but there was just something about the photo that appealed to the selectors. 

The most recent one was this one of Sue that you are likely to remember. I posted it on Sunday. It got Explored on Monday, and now has been viewed just a titch under 7000 times. As lovely as Sue is in the photo, I think it was what I called The Infinite Regression that attracted so many views, faves and comments.

My Snow Queen is famous

A few of my Explored photos have received tens of thousands of hits.

This one tops the list, with 93 613 views, and I don't know why. It is nice enough, but flowers don't usually draw such attention. More often than not, it seems to me that it is a beautiful landscape that really attract people, but I don't get to photograph those kinds of grand scenes.

My Flickr version had a stray flower in the bottom left. When I printed the photo,
I decided that I liked that flower erased.

I do understand why the next photo was so popular. I am sure that it is the uniqueness of a older lady, in fact one of town town councilors, dressed up as a rocker and lip syncing at a Pride event. It grabbed 88 394 views.

While I don't post to draw the crowds, it does please me when a photo does get noticed and appreciated.


Marie Smith said...

I can understand why the photo with Sue was noticed. The other two are certainly noteworthy as well. I am glad so many others can see your photos, AC.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Pleasing oneself is the best, however, when others notice and offer a compliment whether by a comment of liking something you have done, it is indeed very nice. Congrats on being noticed, once again, as you are certainly noticed as a fellow blogger, AC.

Barbara Rogers said...

You deserve complements...and I guess just being noticed is now one of the ways we know that, the counts, I mean.

DJan said...

It is a special picture, all right, the one of Sue.

Marcia said...

All of your photos are well done. You are a master! It's good to get that recognition once in awhile don't you think?

By the way I got Wordle today in 2!

Boud said...

I wonder if the candle picture by you that I use (by permission, I don't steal art!) on my blog has also got a lot of views. It's certainly worth it.
People are intrigued by picture in picture, like the one of Sue, yes.

NGS said...

I definitely think it's because Sue is such a snow queen!

Ed said...

Although many of us don't seek "fame" like that, we are a bit excited if it does come our way, if only for a day or two.

Are there copy protections on your work posted on Flicker?

MARY G said...

Well deserved recognition, in my opinion. You are a master photographer. And a great teacher.
Having said that, having Sue for a model has got to help.

RedPat said...

I'm not surprised that that pic of Sue was selected for attention.

Margaret said...

There are so many of your photos that deserve recognition! I would put most of them up on the walls of my house. That's a high compliment since I'm a minimalist and don't decorate excessively. I'm the same as you about blogging. I'm content with my core group of friends.

Catalyst said...

Those three are all wonderful!

roentare said...

Sue's portrait is indeed a good one.

Jeanie said...

It's always wonderful to be recognized and I can see why these were!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

I love the photo of your "Snow Queen" and totally see why it was Explored. I don't post much on Flickr anymore, but for a couple years was obsessed about the criteria for photos that are selected for Explore. People talk about secret algorithms, things that will eliminate you (watermarks), etc., etc. I got pretty good at figuring it out and used to get a good percentage of my photos Explored, but kind of lost interest after a while.

DB Stewart said...

These photos are characters and characters tell stories. Thumbs way up.

Red said...

Congratulations. It does give you a feeling of accomplishment.

Granny Sue said...

Interesting. The photo of bluets is a stunner, and the others are real eye catchers.

Joanne Noragon said...

You're a good photographer; glad you have numbers.

Kay said...

I can certainly understand why people were drawn to that photo of Sue holding Sue holding Sue... etc.
I can also see why people are drawn to the Forget-Me-Nots. I really like that photo too.