Monday, February 19, 2024

An Almost-Hidden Door

There are many ways to access the trail, and most are easy, but this ↓ is the one that we chose recently. Toward the bottom left you can see a bit of the path that we were about to take up to the trail. It inclines gradually and reaches trail elevation just off the right of the photo. From there we usually walk left to get to the bridge. (You can see the beginnings of the bridge mid-left.) We often take photos from the bridge, like the set of the former Baines Machine Shop that I showed in mono a few days ago, but we didn't do that on this day.

This↓ is the same scene vertically. There is nothing extraordinary about either photo, but I am drawn to the softness of even ordinary winter scenes.

The building in the background ↑ is not the Baines building (of the recent post) in either of the above photos. It is the former McArthur Textile Mill, which unlike Baines is being restored and converted into condos. Meanwhile, poor Baines suffers with broken windows and birds and squirrels coming and going.

When we did later walk by Baines, I spotted this little, almost hidden half-door. I don't recall ever noticing it b before.

However, I have often noticed the door in the back wall, and I probably have better photos than this ↓ one.

Upon our return to the car and opposite the first two photos of the post, there is the little Hackberry Park with a stand of hackberry trees that are somewhat unusual in this region. We are told that in times past, these trees were used by first nations people for medicinal purposes. I took this picture of the lonely bench that is well-framed by the trees.

It is Family Day in Ontario, so Shauna and the kids have the day off, and I shall cook a large pot of Chicken Corn Chowder. It will be nice to see them all, for with the kids now having parttime after-school jobs, it has become more difficult for all five of us to get together.


Patio Postcards said...

Happy Family Day. A big pot of Chicken Corn Chowder shared with family is a perfect way to celebrate. I like your photo of the lone bench in the Hackberry trees.

Marie Smith said...

Enjoy the day with family, AC.

Marcia said...

Looks like you have lots of snow. Enjoy your family day. The soup is a favorite here too.

Barbara Rogers said...

I admit to never having had chicken corn chowder, but my taste buds considered it and said a big yes. Love the bench photo. It speaks of how you show things that evoke a feeling, here of loneliness I think.

MARY G said...

That last photo is Just Perfect.
Have fun with your grandkids. Ours, alas, is far away. But we had a daughter and a big roast of beef last evening. She has today off, amazing as that is. Thank you, Family Day.

gigi-hawaii said...

When I see these wintry pics, I feel so lonely. "Desolate" is the word that pops up. But, chicken corn chowder sounds wonderful.

Liz Hinds said...

Family Day? Never heard of that but it's a good idea.

Cloudia said...

Out of the way, doors in walls often lead to mystical places!

RedPat said...

What secrets are behind those doors? I hope that building gets saved.

Sandra said...

I also am drawn to that last photo. It's President's day here, some people get the day off from work. I like the idea of family day.

roentare said...

That door looks mysterious and scary at the same time.

Margaret said...

I love chicken corn chowder! That snow does look very pillowy. Did you do snow angels? :)

DB Stewart said...

It's also Family Day in Alberta, but I am without my family this weekend. I feel a bit like that bench. That's the thing about benches though...eventually people sit for a while.

Luis Serrano said...

Me interesan todas y cada una de las fotografía pero si tengo que elegir me quedo, sin dudarlo, con las de blanco y negro. Me encantan.

Catalyst said...

Chicken corn chowder sounds delicious on such a cold snowy day. Even down here with no snow and temps in the low 60's. But Judy is about to serve up her famous cheeseburgers and sweet potato fries.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Your walk around s are providing you and all of us with images of your area and have been enjoyable with the included background info. After seeing these wintry images, the plans to gather with family and have homemade soup sound great.

Jenn Jilks said...

I am finding it more difficult to see our grandies.
My middle child, in Vancouver, just began a new job. They ski every weekend, and igt is difficult for him to even fit in virtual visits.

Jeanie said...

I love the idea of family day -- and that you can actually spend it with family!

Kay said...

I wonder if you can even get through that door. Your corn chowder on a cold day sounds wonderful. Our grandkids seem to be growing too quickly. Sigh...

Granny Sue said...

Those old buildings are intriguing. Baines looks very well built. I hope someone restores it.