Thursday, February 22, 2024

Family Day

Family Day is a statutory provincial holiday that is just what it sounds like, a mid-winter day off for people and families.

Come morning, I gathered the ingredients for a big pot of Chicken Corn Chowder. The rotisserie chicken is already shredded in the container to the left, under the evaporated milk cans. Behind the bacon is a similar container of chopped onion, celery, red pepper and garlic, which had taken me a very long time to chop because I am an incredibly slow chopper of veggies. Well, let's face it, I'm just plain slow.

Once I had gathered all of the ingredients, I took my time getting everything lined up in the order that I would use them. I have to do it this way because otherwise I tend to miss steps. Well, the bacon was out of order because it was actually the first item to be cooked, followed by the flour+thyme which was in the container between the evaporated milk and the diced tomatoes. The rest is pretty well in order of deployment.

I cooked the chowder in the morning in order to get it out of the way for company in the afternoon when we reheated and served. It also gave my aching back time to recover.

What a big pot, eh? It did the five of us for that supper, three of whom had seconds. Then we sent some home with the family, and there was enough left over for Sue and me to have two more meals.

By the way, it was very good. I can't remember when I last cooked it, but this rendition seemed extra tasty. Maybe taking my time in the morning was beneficial because I did seem to get it right.

We played games, first UNO . . . 

JJ was peeking at my hand while the rest of us posed for the picture.

. . .  and then Wizard.

Our Wizard scoresheet: two columns under each person, the first being the running total while the second column is the hand just played. If you make your bid, you get 10 points plus whatever you bid. I (last column, J)  bid and made 2 tricks in the final round, which gave 12 for the hand and 55 for the game. We sometimes go back down from 7 to 1, but we broke for supper and didn't get back to the cards.

We have been playing variations of Wizard in this family for probably close to 50 years. Once upon a time, we played with a regular card deck and called it Oh Heck.

The visit, with games and food, lasted for three hours or so. Sue made composites of the event as only Sue can do.

After supper, Lacey got some prolonged loving from JJ, which was appropriate since it was the fifth anniversary of her arrival to our family. We think she is 13 years old. We also think that she didn't have to best possible life before we came along. I can tell you that she was thinner, five years ago.


Liz Hinds said...

What a great family day. I like Uno but don't know the other game

PipeTobacco said...

What a nice day!

I was a bit surprised at seeing bacon as an ingredient in chicken chowder at first, but I bet it tasted great.

The various family photos are, of course, wonderful!


Barbara Rogers said...

Loved seeing the whole family playing, eating etc. What a fun and memorable event! And what on earth is that stew, which you're calling chicken corn chowder? It's got a bit of everything in it! Of course it tasted good. A good idea to let it settle before the big all the flavors blended.

Marie Smith said...

The chowder looks so good. I will make some. It looks like a banner day was had by all.

Ed said...

What you call Wizard or Oh Heck, I have always called Hucklebuck. I have fond memories of playing that game for hours with my grandparents. Maybe a half dozen years ago, nostalgia welled up about it and I went searching for it and found an Oh Heck app for my phone and by tweaking the settings can get it like how we played it back then. I have tried a few times to teach my girls how to play so that I can still get my fix but they just aren't interested. Perhaps I can someday find a group for Wizard/Oh Heck/Hucklebuck that plays once a week.

Boud said...

It looks as if you're taking a leaf out of the book of another blogger we know, who shows the ingredients then the finished meal! It does look good. Nice day for you all.

Jenn Jilks said...

What a lovely day! Good work, chef!

MARY G said...

A fine record., And fun.

Sandra said...

Everyone looks happy! I don't know how to play any card games, other than solitaire. I don't like corn but this chowder looks as if it could change my mind.

Marcia said...

Oh, Heck is one of the go to games in our family. We learned it from my Dad years ago.

Granny Sue said...

I wish the US had a family day! What a great tradition. The soup sounds delicious too, AC. Fun times!

gigi-hawaii said...

Every day should be Family Day!

NGS said...

You used Family Day for its intended purpose! How fun!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

The concept of Family Day for families to gather together sounds great and glad to see that you and your crew did it up with delicious homemade chowder and game playing. We were introduced to Wizard years ago by a resident here, and then bought the cards, but sadly have not played it in years.

Margaret said...

Love the idea of Family Day and you spent it perfectly. I would have seconds (or thirds) on the chicken corn chowder--yum!

Vicki Lane said...

The soup sounds great. And you are pretty much a family of adults now. It's been nice, watching them grow.

RedPat said...

I'm amazed at the number of ingredients in that chowder. It sounds and looks really good.

roentare said...

The chicken corn chowder is seemingly thickened and creamy to enjoy.

Jeanie said...

I can't think of a better way to spend a day than what you all did. Family, games, wonderful food. That chowder looks fabulous and i'm glad there was plenty leftover for people to take home (and still have some for you!)

Red said...

You're a lucky guy to have people to play board games with you.

Catalyst said...

That looks like a great family celebration. But couldn't you find JJ a larger spoon?

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Fun times with family. The chicken corn chowder looks absolutely mouth watering! I get mine out of a can, so I can only imagine how good yours must taste!

peppylady (Dora) said...

I don't recall last time having corn chowder.

Patio Postcards said...

You do have some wonderful family times. That's the joy of big cooking, you can eat for days afterwards & sometimes it even tastes better than the first helping. :)

Kay said...

Awww... This is such a lovely family time. What lovely memories to hold dear.

Debby said...

I too was thinner five years ago.

I love that catch of JJ sneaking a peek at your cards.

Mostly, I do love the look of that soup. I have run off to look up a recipe ala google, and found one. It will be added to the rotation. We bought 48 pounds of chicken being told the meat was bagged in portions and frozen. Oh my goodness. They didn't lie. There were 8 bags in there, each of them containing 6 lbs of meat. Too much meat for the two of us. I used the first of the bags yesterday, placing half in a crock pot to make the beginnings of chickens and dumplings. The rest went in the oven to be grilled for supper. Half of the next bag we use will go to making your soup.