Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Puzzles and Walkies

I did it again. I was playing a very tough sudoku puzzle. Try as I might, I couldn’t unlock the magic key to the solution. Eventually, I made two entries that seemed to have the highest probability, and they both worked. As I was getting to the end of my hour-long puzzle, the rest was clear sailing. (They are not all that long, but this one was a killer. Twenty minutes or so is fairly standard.) All I had left to do was input the remaining numbers — no thinking involved, and not-thinking is something that I am usually good at. It was just grunt work by then. Then. with only a few inputs left, I mistakenly tapped the wrong key. 

Can you believe it? After all of the spinning of the gray matter, my errant finger hit the wrong key. Grrr. 

I mean, I know in my head that I solved the darn thing, but it won’t be recorded as an error-free solution.

I tend to do this more often than not. I drive myself crazy. Why am I like this?


Meanwhile, we continue to force ourselves to take our almost-daily walks. They’re short, but they are something rather than nothing. Sometimes, when it is later in the day than we’d prefer, we just walk up the street and back in our totally uninspiring neighbourhood. 

At other times, Sue has a photo prompt to fulfill. On the 27th of each months, she is to post a photo of her walking somewhere or other.

Through the slushy park we trod to get to the path by the river. Sue set up this photo with her tripod. She used the phone’s wide angle lens to get all of the path, river and us in the photo. 

Now, we get to the problem of wide angle lenses. Do you see how short and wide we appear? If you don’t hold a wide angle lens straight and level, this sort of distortion can be the result. Accomplished photographers can sometimes use this effect to their advantage and purposefully use distortion to great effect, but most of us need to take care. 

You can also see it in this photo. In actual fact, Sue’s coat drops close to her legs and does not flair our as seen here.

I did try to undistort the first photo in Photoshop by lengthening it and pinching it a bit on the sides. It more or less worked.

Oops. Almost forgot this one of Sue's from one of our icicle walks. I like where red-coated-moi is situated in the frame as well as the overall bokeh.


Jeanie said...

Hmmm. Last thing this girl needs is a lens that makes me look shorter and wider! BUt it's nice to see you both in the same pic!

Marie Smith said...

Great shots. I love the last one!

Patio Postcards said...

I agree with Jeanie's comment ... horrors of shorter & fatter in photos (lol). I do admire that you & Sue get out everyday, together.

Boud said...

I agree about any walk better than no walk. If I get 15 minutes I still feel better than not getting out.
I notice, watching Northern Exposure that they often have wide shots to take in mountains etc and the people are suddenly short and wide!

DJan said...

I too like that last one very much. :-)

Ed said...

I can't do computerized Sudoku. I need a paper version so I can add pibs to denote possibilities. Using that method, I can generally solve even the hardest of puzzles with time though on a rare occasion, I get in a hurry towards the end and mess up. Fortunately, I don't have a computer keeping score so I can still mark it as a win in my mind.

Barbara Rogers said...

The last two are my favs. Yes icicle and you, and most definitely you and Sue without being widened!

Debby said...

I like that last icicle. I'm glad that you're walking daily. That's the best thing you can do for yourself. I have a very difficult time forcing myself out of the house in cold weather. I am fond of 'cozy'.

RedPat said...

It was sunny here yesterday afternoon so it was nice to get out in the sun for a change. I like that last shot too.

Margaret said...

I didn't know that about wide angle lenses. Could I use that as an excuse for getting shorter and wider over the years? :) Love the icicle shot!

Blondi Blathers said...

" I drive myself crazy. Why am I like this?"

It's to keep you humble, John.


Chris said...

Some times our fingers don't do what our little grey cells want.. I'd hate a wide angled lens if it made me dumpy and short.. oh dear I am dumpy and short!LOL

peppylady (Dora) said...

I have never done a sudoku puzzle.

Catalyst said...

That last photo is great. I have never understood sudoku (even though I was a math major for a couple of years in college) so have totally ignored it. Crosswords for me!

Vicki Lane said...

Terrific icicle shot!

PipeTobacco said...

I very much like the last image!

Joanne Noragon said...

Good photos, as always, and loved the last.

Barwitzki said...

The ice cream cone photo is great and you worked wonderfully the first wide -angle photo.

Beautiful snow...
Have a nice winter with you. I'm coming over...
And yes-no matter how slowly you go, you overtake everyone who lies on the sofa :-) Because every walk is valuable and ultimately a joy.

Jenn Jilks said...

This is a lovey adventure for both of you. I almost wish I could participate, but the pressure might be too much for me these days.
Yes, unless you turn off all location apps, you will be tracked. Big Brother is watching.

Granny Sue said...

Interesting, AC. I have never tried a wide angle, and maybe that's a good thing!

Kay said...

Me too! I agree with everybody. That last photo is great. I haven't seen an icicle in such a long time.

Kay said...

I forgot. Yes, that bokeh effect of you in the red coat is perfect.