Tuesday, January 09, 2024

Photo Retrospective vi

We've come to the end. Thank goodness, eh? Sometimes I start something that gets out of hand, and I think that's the case with this series. But I must plod on at this point.


November is the least propitious month for photography around here. The colour is gone and the snow hasn't arrived. It is pretty bleak.  I tried to capture that in this photo. Once I saw the result, I quite liked it  

However, on a different day, when we stopped by this little embayment in the river, both the water and sky were blue, and I like it.

November is a good month to look indoors for pictures. As I recently mentioned, I like taking candid people photos, and this one of Al, pleases me.

At month's end, we found a colourful sunset, so I was able to accomplish more than I had thought I would that month. Look and ye shall find.


Early in December we took this photo of Sue and me. I attached it to most of the e-Xmas cards that I posted to friends. The lighting was awful, but I managed to rescue the photo in edit. Not that I like taking a poor photo, but rescuing one does bring me some satisfaction.

The next photos may be fresh in your memory banks. I enjoyed the lights at the mill a whole lot, these two ↓ being my favourites. With help from Photoshop, the first one is slightly different than the version that I posted previously. I magicked some fresh snow in the foreground to replace the thin layer of trodden snow, at least until until it got near the fence. I think that it greatly improves a photo that I already liked.

Then there came the photos of  lights on the bridge, also difficult photography due to the wide dynamic range, but it is fun to try. Upon reflection. with no pun intended, I opted to repost just this one.

What an onslaught this project must have been for you. However, I think that sorting through them was probably of some value for me.


Marie Smith said...

Love these,AC. Al is great in B&W and the colour of the December photos is such a beautiful contrast.

Barbara Rogers said...

Really nice photos...the B&W reminds me of a great pattern for wallpaper. Which reminds me, that's what screens have on them when not being used, an interesting mix of sorts. I like the blue sky and river, and your snow enhanced little cottage.

Catalyst said...

These are all great and what are you talking about: an onslaught. It was a pleasure!

Cloudia said...

Thank you for sharing your dear and photographs with us. Aloha!

RedPat said...

I enjoyed this series a lot. The whole winter so far has been like a November with such dreariness so it was nice to see your December lights.

Damselfly said...

I've enjoyed this retrospective, and truly appreciate your photography & editing talents!
Also enjoy hearing your thoughts on the various photos, locales, subjects, etc.
Stay safe, warm & well!

Jenny the Pirate said...

I'm late to the game but the November photos are just lovely, as is the picture of you and Sue in your cozy home, which shot I remembered from when you posted it before. The lit bridge is always fantastic. Happy New Year! xoxo

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

If you considered this an onslaught, I would disagree as so many of these photos were wonderful to see again, especially that amazing sunset, AC. And, you and Sue looked pretty darn good as well.

Joanne Noragon said...

I liked most of them and disliked none of them. I appreciate all the hard work that goes into obtaining a photo and it's been years since I've Photoshopped any photo.

Margaret said...

I loved all of them; the one of Sue and you is full of such warmth. The first one is starkly beautiful--like an intricate painting.

Granny Sue said...

Tbe first one made me catch my breath. A real stunner! Thank you for the series, it was fun to see the familiar ones again.

Jeanie said...

These are all so wonderful. All of them -- the b/w, the portrait, the lights on the buildings. Beautiful choices.

MARY G said...

I was just shown a painting with much the same detail and ambiance as your first photo; it must have taken days if not weeks to reproduce the delicate multiple twiglets. Both are wonderful for mood and attraction to the being of the tree. I wonder what yours would look like printed on canvass.
I love your Christmas photos and reports. It is like a hand reaching out, or a meeting for a chat. And all technically as perfect as only AC can set up. The gold lights at the mill are really charming and you nailed them.
So, not boring, not going on too long. Thank you.

William Kendall said...

The sunset is my favourite.