Thursday, January 18, 2024

Dumb AC

When you get to the end of this post, you will know just how dumb I am.

First we review.

These → are the boots that caused my tumble last winter. Actually you don't have to wait until the end of this piece to evaluate my dumbness because back then I fell because I hadn't bothered to lace them up. I only went out front to do a little something or other. You can see what a pain they are to lace, so I didn't. Still, after Sue's great fall, it was not a smart play on my part.

Dumb, indeed.

So, I purchased a pair of slip-ons for just such an occasion. They are the brown boots in the following photo. The lace-up boots in that photo were Sue's new purchase. She can keep them laced and just slip them off and on by using the zippers at the sides. I find this to be quite clever. (Ignore the red shoes, they have nothing to do with this narrative.)

This is where we begin to get into the bountiful theme, for it took me two purchases to obtain those brown boots. The first pair that I ordered was either too big or too small (I forget which), so I had to reorder.

I was up to three pairs of boots although I did send one pair back. 

But wait, there's more. Especially wait to get to the part of my incredible dumbness at the end.

To carry on, that was last winter, but aside from slipping them on once or thrice, winter was beginning to wane, so I didn't give them much of a trial back then. This winter, I purposed to wear those still new slip-on boots in lieu of the lace-up pair, and I did just that one fine morning around town. However, by the time I got home from my errands I had a significant sore on my big toe on the left foot. So significant that it bled and took weeks to heal.

Clearly, or so I thought, this pair was not a good fit for my feet. I ordered another pair of slip-ons, but I could tell right away, just by wearing them in the house, that they wouldn't do.

If you are counting, or even if you're not, I was up to four pairs, the long-lace originals, the slip-ons that were unusable, and the two pairs that I returned.

Being a glutton for punishment, I then purchased one more pair. They are similar in function to Sue's boots, with both laces and zippers. I am pleased to report that they do fit well enough, so I don't mind wearing them. 

At this point I had two functioning pairs of boots — the originals and these lace-and-zip boots. I also had the ones that killed my feet, so Sue purposed to offer that pair on Buy Nothing. They were still in almost-new condition after all, and they might work for someone with a stride different than mine.

That's when she saw it and once more realized how dumb her husband is. For when she pulled back the tongue to find the size, she noticed something else — cardboard inserts in the toes of both boots. They were thin and took the shape of the toes, but there they were. Poor befuddled AC hadn't noticed and had worn the boots with cardboard inside. No wonder he wounded his feet. Pity the poor man.

With cardboard removed, I gave them a good test yesterday by wearing them to my physio appointment and then the grocery store. I can faithfully report that they were just hunky dory. 

To recapitulate: I have gone from one pair of boots to having three pairs and also trying but discarding two others along the way.

What a dummy am I: first to not lace up the originals, and then to not remove the cardboard from the replacement pair.

Dumb dee-dumb-dumb, Dumb.


Jeanie said...

Some days are just like that! And now you have lots of boots. (Any you can send back?!)

Barbara Rogers said...

Well, amusing as you are, not particularly dumb, just a bit less focused on your feet and more on taking beautiful are forgiven and appreciated. So I hope you have happy feet from here on!

Ed said...

Ours come with wads of tissue paper stuffed into the toes. Harder to be dumb that way.

Debby said...

Hoo, boy, AC, if it is any comfort to you, I can claim all manner of dumbness. In fact, I am so dumb that I was trying to remember an instance of dumb to relate so as to make you feel better about your own dumb, but I'm too dumb to remember one.

Other than the time I flushed a partial container of pickles down the toilet.

Don't do that. It would be dumb.

Karen said...

Ugh, I get it. I have seven pair of boots that don't fit comfortably for a variety of reasons (no cardboard inserts though). I'm carting them off to the homeless outreach next time we get downtown.
Late last winter I bought a CHEAP pair of boots off Amazon. They have laces that stretch and stay tied. My feet can slip right in. They are warm, light in weight and have a brute of a sole. I think they are the best winter boots I've ever owned.

Marcia said...

I was all prepared to read that you tripped over the laces again! Glad that mishap wasn't repeated and thank goodness for a wise wife.

Marie Smith said...

My husband had an experience with cardboard in the toe of slippers recently. You are not the only one, AC.

RedPat said...

We all do dumb things but I love your story. You are ready for many more winters now.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

I could so identify with this story, but not in the same way, AC. In the past few weeks I have donated boots (actually ankle length hikers) to a local thrift store because despite being the correct wise and a wide width, they did not feel comfortable despite attempted wearings. And, there were no inserts like in your case. A couple of weeks ago, I bought a new pair which so far seem to be working out OK aside from a break in period which caused a blister, now healed. Glad to read your boot tale was resolved thanks to Sue's intervention.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Well I reckon that is a common mistake, AC! Nothing to beat yourself up over. And as they say, all's well that ends well! Now you have that comfy pair of boots that you sought and as I can't stand to think of even my worst enemy with sore, aching, blistered feet, I am so happy that your toesies are comfy as you go about your day, whether indoors or out. Also thank you for using the word "lieu" properly ... not so much in writing but you would not believe how often I hear people say while speaking, "in lieu of" as though it is synonymous with "in light of" and not "instead of" ... it makes me want to cry, such abuse of our lovely language. Also in parting let me share that years ago, while halfway through reporting a lengthy deposition, I noticed something on the front of the deponent/witness's sweater. It was the long vertical strip of clear tape used by certain retailers that, every few inches, announces the letter corresponding to the garment's size. In this case, down the front of the lady's Walmart sweater marched the letter L L L L L on repetition. She had likely bought the new sweater to give her confidence in the scary proceeding (lawyers and all that) and forgotten to pull the tape off and pitch it when getting dressed that morning. It caused her no discomfort (since she was unaware), but still. When something new comes into the house, search it well for those bits and bobs and tags and strings and pieces of cardboard that were there only for shipping and selling purposes! xoxo

DrumMajor said...

Well Gosh. Most retailers put crunched up paper in the toe of the shoe. Glad you figured it out. Uncurl those toes and enjoy the shoes! Linda in Kansas

Catalyst said...

Been there, done that. But fortunately I noticed it right away and removed the "inserts".

roentare said...

I always have a few pairs of similar shoes for rainy days

Red said...

Well, you learned something from it. But your readers should learn a lesson from this too. we need to have proper boots for winter wear. I have a pair of spikes that are only so so . they are very uncomfortable.

Granny Sue said...

You made me laugh out loud, AC! I do share your woes when it comes to finding a comfortable fit though. My feet are picky in the extreme...and with a Morton's neuroma on one foot, and a past history with plantar fascitis, I havevto be very careful what I wear. Currently the only really comfortable shoes I own are Vionic summer sandals, so I wear them with wool socks in the house, and her by just barely with a pair of Vionic clogs when we go out. At least my winter boots are comfortable!

DJan said...

You gave me a really good belly laugh when I discovered the problem with your boots. And you remind me that I need to find where I stashed by Sorels for my walk tomorrow. Thanks for the smiles and glad you have Sue! :-)

Joanne Noragon said...

It happens.

PipeTobacco said...

Ouch! No wonder you had sore on your toe! A couple of years ago on on of my falls running, I caught the shoe in some way that caused an internal tear in the fabric inside (outside looked fine) that over the course of next few days of running caused me to get a huge blister on one toe before I figured it out.


Margaret said...

I look at it this way: there is no way there should have been cardboard in the toes of a boot. They are hard enough material not to collapse without supports in them. Not your fault! I wouldn't have thought of it either.

MARY G said...

We all have a similar story. Mine is dressing my baby daughter in a gown from which I had not removed all of the straight pins that had come with the packaging.

gigi-hawaii said...

Haha. Sorry, it's funny. Here in Hawaii, the locals just wear rubber slippers. Easy to slip on and off.

Kay said...

Cardboard at the toes? I don't think I've ever experienced that, but then again it's been a while since I've bought boots. And ummmm... I know we've all managed all kinds of goofiness in our quest for that perfect something.