Monday, September 18, 2023

Random Photos

I've missed posting some photos from the past week as I nattered about fogs and cats and driveways. Not that any are the necessarily the kinds of photos that I would want to show off (well maybe some of them) , but they do reflect bits and pieces of my life around here, especially in Beloved's absence.

First off, if you will excuse the hubris, I present a selfie. I didn't take it because I am simply in love with myself but to send to Sue to show her that I was wearing that warm, red-black, autumnal jacket. I donned it that day when the temperature only around 10C/50F until it warmed up later.

All of the photos that you saw previously about our driveway job were phone photos. They did the trick, but I did take a few with the big beastie camera. It gave me enough pixels to crop in past distractions like garbage cans and recycling bins and yet still have a reasonably sized image. I took a few snaps of this worker cleaving our two driveways, but this one had the most dust.

Out back, I noticed a volunteer viola by the bird bath. Somehow, it must have seeded itself from a pot of violas that weren't really all that close to the bird bath, and I am not sure how it managed that. This pic was also for Sue's benefit that I shared via Messenger because it was so unique and unexpected. Most of the rest of the greenery around the bath will be next spring's forget-me-nots. They do not look exactly charming at this stage, but I do like to see them in the spring.

Another photo for Sue (who is now back in the fold, by the way). I thought she'd appreciate the sunset from our bedroom window.

On Saturday, I drove up to Blakeney to see what I could see. What I could see were a few tinges of colour across the river. This is a phone photo. I also shot with my DSLR and may post those tomorrow.

Early Saturday evening, I went for a short drive to see what I could see in the golden hour. Truth is that I didn't see much other than corn fields, so I soon turned around. However, I did get one photo of a dead tree by a soy (I think) field. While it isn't a stupendous image, a golden field at golden hour is not nothing. 

Sue arrived home last night and is sleeping soundly at 5am. I, however, am not. This is how it goes.


Patio Postcards said...

Glad Sue is home safe & sound. I like your selfie. The photo of the birdbath is definitely a contender for the calendar as is the phone photo of Blakeney's river.

Liz Hinds said...

Glad Sue is back. I love self-seeded plants too. Well, unless they're bindweed!

Debby said...

Glad Sue is back. That bird bath is quite wonderful. Is it concrete?

Marie Smith said...

Glad you have Sue back in the fold. Time can be long when your partner is away!

DJan said...

You do look warm in that selfie, and I am so amazed at how good those phone pictures are. And welcome home, Sue!

RedPat said...

You must be happy to have Sue back. Things are back to normal.

gigi-hawaii said...

50F is so cold. I would freeze to death, esp since there is no heater in my house. I like your photos, esp the phone photo of the river. Very sharp and clear.

Margaret said...

That golden field is beautiful!

Jeanie said...

I love your selfie. You have the best face!

Bindu said...

Love the photo of the golden field in the golden hour.

roentare said...

This is a nice selection of photo tunes.

William Kendall said...

Beautiful sunset.

Red said...

Black and red jackets are the greatest. I can't find one with the same fabric as the old one.

Vicki Lane said...

The golden field is especially lovely.

Jenny the Pirate said...

The bird bath and the sunset-out-the-bedroom-window photos are outstanding. And no, a golden field at golden hour certainly is not nothing. xoxo

Jenn Jilks said...

I feel badly for your insomnia.
Glad Sue is home!
I hope you read about my forget-me-nots. You inspired me months ago. It was a miracle.