Tuesday, September 05, 2023

I Like it Golden

One thing about rising well before 3 yesterday is that I was able to have breakfast without worry. Or was it pre-breakfast, or even first-breakfast (in the spirit of good hobbits everywhere)? 

You see, these days, I have my antibiotic at 8, and I am supposed to avoid consuming dairy products 4 hours before the pill and 2 hours afterward. Although I will sometimes cheat a little by adding butter to toast within those hours, I have been very good about this overall. However, by eating before 4, I could have both butter and milk without worry.

As you can see over there →
I took the food back up to the computer so I could read your posts and things.

Now I want to know how you like your toast. You can see how I prefer mine — light golden, especially so on plain, white bread. Sue likes her toast fairly dark and will also pause to let it cool for a bit before she applies butter. Me? I like to butter it hot to let the butter soak in.

← My more normal breakfast in recent, antibiotic times has been granola and blueberries with probiotic yoghurt in place of milk. I tend to have this after I have waited for two hours post-pill. Yesterday, six hours after first breakfast, I was hungry enough to consume a bowl at 10 o'clock for second breakfast.

So howdaya like your toast, eh? And what constitutes a typical breakfast for you?


Boud said...

Toast medium buttered while hot. Breakfast pita bread filled with spinach and whatever fruit I have -- blueberries, dried cranberries or apricots, fresh strawberries in season.

Marie Smith said...

No toast for me. I eat little to no bread. Blueberries and yoghurt for breakfast.

Barbara Rogers said...

A multi-grain bread lightly toasted, well spread with melting butter, then sprinkled with good tasting nutritional yeast. On every other day it's granola, (fresh blueberries if I have them) almond milk and a couple teaspoons of yogurt. Coffee with honey please.

DrumMajor said...

Cuppa tea: half cheap and half Constant Comment. On work days: half a bagel with peanut butter. On days off: whatever I can find. Sometimes white toast, medium, buttered quickly with grape jelly. If it's cold (can't remember about that,) I'll have oatmeal with butter, sugar, cinnamon. Linda in Kansas

DJan said...

I like my toast dark like Sue, but with the butter applied quickly so it melts in.

Marcia said...

I like a whole grain raisin bread toast with my eggs. Dan likes the whole grain. We both have butter and frequently jam or marmalade. I don't buy white bread except on occasion as a baguette with a dinner meal.

RedPat said...

Whole grain bread, toasted dark, cooled, then spread with peanut butter.

Karen said...

Whole wheat bread only. Medium brown. Butter and sometimes fresh local honey. Yum.

Ed said...

I don't eat a lot of toast in my attempt to reduce carb intake. If I do have some, I like mine in bagel form, toasted to a golden brown and slathered with butter instead of cream cheese.

I don't eat breakfast often in general. I do if I am expecting a long day of physical activity but otherwise, I just coast and have an early lunch. On those days I eat breakfast, I usually scramble some eggs. I'm also an oddball in that I dislike coffee so water is my breakfast beverage of choice.

Margaret said...

I like your color of toast and melted butter although I'm definitely a whole wheat muffin with peanut butter person or an onion bagel with cream cheese. I have my mocha and OJ too, mostly to take my pills. (vitamins and such with one small dose of beta blocker for b/p)

MARY G said...

Yes, lightly toasted and with the butter soaked in. And eaten warm, not Brit style from a toast rack.
The joys of eating to match the pills, eh. I am still on some 'pain' pills with the knee surgery and the fight to keep my system operating smoothly is a real one. And best not described any further.
And then there is peanut butter. And apple jelly, especially crabapple jelly. The ED and partner came to visit on the weekend and brought goodies, among them a package of pecan butter tarts. The sirens luring in the sailors were no worse.

MARY G said...

Hmm. You have a lot of comments on this one. How about a post toast post?

Damselfly said...

Toast medium and buttered while hot. Breakfast can be any combination of the following... toast, fresh fruit, yogurt or Cheerios with a cup or two of coffee.

Debby said...

A cup of coffee and 4 mcvities!

PipeTobacco said...

I like toast on the more brown side, myself. I especially like really grainy bread for toast too. Even though when I did eat butter I loved it and like it to fully melt into the toast…. I now eschew butter for trying to keep my BMI normal. My favorite topping (in addition to butter) is orange marmalade. But it is still great with just the orange marmalade.


Granny Sue said...

Medium brown, please! I prefer rye or sourdough but these days slicing French bread for toast to be easy on my stomach. Buttered hot, with real butter, although I am fine with just plain toast. Typical breakfast? Well I like variety! Some days a couple eggs, fried or scrambled, and toast. Other days, oatmeal with blueberries. Sometimes bagels and cream cheese, or eggs, tomatoes, and toast. Once a week, bacon or sausage with eggs, sometimes fried potatoes. We usually have 2 meals a day so breakfast can be bigger than what most people might eat.

The Furry Gnome said...

I like my toast like yours! But my typical breakfast is cereal with blueberries.

Red said...

Brown toast. Medium toasted and absolutely no butter or margarine. Just good old jam!

Joanne Noragon said...

Toast medium, plus, plenty of butter on one slice. Second slice medium plus, jelly or marmalade. Make into a sandwich. Eat for breakfast, with coffee and blogs.

Jenn Jilks said...

What a pain-in-the-arse for you!
I hope this works out, your latest meds.

William Kendall said...

No toaster at home. I only have toast if it's included in a meal at a restaurant or takeaway.

More often than not, breakfast is a sandwich or two with milk.

DB Stewart said...

Toast is one of my favourite subjects. Why? I believe if someone makes toast for you, they love you. Facts. I love my wife's sourdough toasted until the crust is dark brown, then I add butter & jam. Lately though, a garden tomato slice on toast is fantastic too. My typical breakfast is a boiled egg and a piece (or bowl) of fruit. Toast is special, very special.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Toast dark brown, buttered while very hot. Breakfast here lately has been just coffee with heavy cream. I adore the idea of second breakfast though, and have even been known to have a third. xoxo