Sunday, September 03, 2023

Celebrating 76

Somebody had a birthday and is officially 76 years old. How can this be? In some ways, it seems as though I just got here. In other ways though . . .

The whole clan, minus just 1, gathered at Sha's to honour the ancient wonder.

Indeed, that is all of us, except PJ in Vancouver. My dad was an Only, and my mother was a de facto Only because her one sibling never married. Then, I was an Only. We had two children, but in terms of reproduction, Sha is also a de facto Only. And that is how we get to a clan of just 6 with only 5 in the photo.

I haven't said it for awhile, but I will say it again now: "We are a small family but a great family."

I asked Sue make some collages to reduce the number of photos. I can do collages, but her workflow is less cumbersome than mine, and she also does it often, so it is easier for her.

First was a sweater jacket sort of top. It will probably be worn a lot indoors in winter because we keep the house a tad on the chilly side.

Then came a new cap for ye olde, bald head.

Phase 10 was played. I was two hours late for my 8 o'clock pill, so Sue and I left before the end. Sue was in the lead when we departed, but Sha and the kids kept playing. There is some dispute whether Danica or JJ won.

In between rounds of the game, Danica paraded the cake in.

Don't I look ghostly?

One final collage from the evening with my third gift, a backup camera, in the centre.


  1. A fine birthday! And you look stunning, my dear.
    Our family is much the same, except, for JG’s big group of first cousins, as his father was one of thirteen children. the differing birth rates from that generation to our grandchildren is huge. and I read that immigration is supposed to make up,the difference. a confusing world that we inhabit.
    so pleased to see,you and your family celebrating.

  2. Happy Birthday. Family birthday parties are so fun.

  3. Happy Birthday, John! You are a youthful 76 with a great family and wonderful wife!

  4. That looks like a wonderful birthday!
    Many happy returns!

  5. Happy Birthday!!!

    Your new cap is very, very nice!!!!

    Your cake appears to actually be a pie (I could not get the video to play, so if that was mentioned, I missed that.). It does look very good!


  6. Happy birthday! You reminded me that people of a certain age should avoid lighting from below. :-)

  7. Happy Birthday. I am three years behind you. Looks like a great celebration.

  8. Happy birthday, you tiny little boy!! I'm playing the age card. Again. Have a wonderful day.

  9. Happy Birthday. It looks like it was a good day!

  10. I know how small families are richer in many ways. One daughter-in-law is Italian, need I say more? I have yet to meet most of her cousins, aunts and uncles, and she's always off visiting one or another. My plain American family has pretty much left me as the matriarch of my 3 sons and their families. Hope you enjoy your 77th trip around the sun...having just celebrated the completion of 76!

  11. Happy Birthday! You have a great family indeed, John. I'll pause my age to wait for you to catch up.

  12. Hi John
    I saw you commented on Troutbirder's post...very good of you. I try to do the same. Ray is a good guy, and we all might get to where he's at if we live long enough.

  13. This is a fun celebration of your special day!

  14. Happy birthday. Have a great day. You're fortunate that your family lives close to you.

  15. Happy birthday, belatedly.

  16. Congrats to the old geezer!

  17. Happy birthday, my friend. And many more!

  18. Happy seventy whatever.

  19. Happy Birthday! Your family is large in heart.

  20. Wow -- love the lighting and expression on the Happy Birthday photo! But they are all great. I'm an only and so was my dad. Yes, small but mighty in the family department. I send all good wishes for a wonderful new year. It looks like you started it off in style!

  21. Well happy birthday! I really like that hat. Looks great on you. Yes a small family, but what joy when you can all be together.

  22. Happy, happy birthday! You are certainly a very dapper, very handsome 76!!!

  23. I smile looking at your family picture. It seems that you have a happy family that many people dream of.
