Monday, March 14, 2022

Cold'n Golden

Sue's photo theme for last week was golden hour: the hour after sunrise and the hour before sunset when the light is low and, well, golden — on a good day, that is. It was winterish and dullish last week and days hadn't been all that good for light, but a theme is a theme. I think these weekly themes are contrived by folk in California. #kiddingnotkidding

We did try one day when there was some light. The first two spots we went to didn't offer much hope. I tried a few shots butt ended up trashing them. However, Sue got a few that she thought she could use.

Eventually, we found a location, not new to us but new on that day. The light was pretty good for a few minutes, and I was able to get a result that I like quite a bit.

Partly I like it because I know the conditions that I was working under, such as the weather and the fact that I had to hold my camera up over a snowbank to get the photo. Sometimes, we like a photo an extra bit because we know the circumstances, but I also like this for the photo itself. The light is pretty good, and we also have a leading line, a decent sky, and then a pretty good tree as the focal point.

I should say before I leave off that I prefer that my golden hour photos not contain the sun. In this case, I think it is the light that is cast by the sun that is the key thing. Of course, there are always exceptions, and preconceived ideas can't apply to every situation.


Patio Postcards said...

There's something hopeful in your wintery photo ... yes that golden daylight of the season about to change.

DJan said...

It's quite a lovely shot, and very golden. :-)

Jeanie said...

The shot is a good one. But you're right about the theme of golden hour and those of us in the north, at least in the winter. It's gorgeous -- on the days when there is actually enough light to be golden!

MARY G said...

A classic. We get sunset filtered through the bush in winter and lose it when the leaves come out. When I spent two weeks at a cottage facing west to the ocean, Imtook a hige number of sunset with sun shots. Irresistable.

gigi-hawaii said...

It's amazing that the plant life is all the same shade of yellow-brown!

Marie Smith said...

Great shot! Love it!

MARY G said...

irresistible. Oops.

Margaret said...

There is something so peaceful about that photo. I love the diffused light, the glow.

Mage said...

I like that. No glare or blare.

William Kendall said...


Red said...

The themes can give you a great challenge. I like the golden photo.

The Furry Gnome said...

I've always said '90% of great photos is being there when the light is right'.

Joanne Noragon said...

A classically composed photo. Very nice.

Jenn Jilks said...

That is perfect! You do good work.
My photos are just to support my stories, methinks!

Kay said...

I do like the golden light in this photo.