Friday, January 08, 2021

The Perils of Editing

Before publishing my blog posts I try my best to review them and edit as necessary. I almost always find that, I leave things out. What I mean is that I tend not to give a full explanation. I have all of the details in my head, but I tend to leave gaps in the telling. So, once I am done with the draft, I need to read it over, and I more often than not feel the need to add the pertinent details.

Additionally, I see where I might say things better, and I make phrasing alterations as well.

But sometimes, editing just creates new problems, for I may decide to write something differently but then fail to clean up the previous wording carefully enough.

In fact, recently, after editing well, or so I had thought, I smugly scheduled my well edited post for publication. Later, after some people had already commented, I happened to notice a very bad mistake in the very first line. Unfortunately, I forget what it was now, but it was a typical case of making one change but not fully excising the previous wording.

Sometimes, however, the problem is opposite.

Many of my posts are pre-written and scheduled for later publication, so I have plenty of opportunity to revise. I normally schedule them to post at 7AM. This almost always works well because I generally rise long before then.

Recently however, after a rough night, I slept in long enough for a post to be published before I was able to look it over just one more time.

This was the final line of that post.

Whose old? I'm not old. They're old.

Mary G picked up on that, immediately, in Comments.

... I hate to say this to you since you are a sleep deprived person, but sleeping in makes old age almost worth it ... 'who's' = 'who is', contracted. 'Whose' is the adjective. I guess obnoxious ex English teachers never really retire. They are just tiresome.

 My reply.

I know Mary G but I get careless. 🤓😇🥺🙄

Her reply.

Very seldom. I can find a lot of messes in my own stuff if I review. Better not to do so?

My final follow up.

Nary G: Trying my best to edit often leads to more mistakes than if I had left it alone. I recently went through a post with what I thought was a fine-tooth comb. I congratulated myself and hit Publish. But when I looked again later, I found a mistake in the very first line.

I made my error (above) red just for this post to draw your attention to it. As you can plainly see, we had been writing back and forth about editing, and I wrote Nary G instead of Mary G.

BTW, in case it needs clarification at this point, I am a very poor typist (keyboarder). At some point, I should do some screen captures for your benefit to document this, but I think I have exposed my incompetence enough for one session.


  1. I don't know why, but your post today made me chuckle. Sometimes I edit & edit & edit again my own posts to the point they never go live. I like Mary G's comment ..."ex English teachers never really retire. They are just tiresome."

  2. I have made my living typing...and only had a 4 week summer school course to learn from when I was maybe 15 (before I could drive for sure.) But my keyboard has two sticky keys...which mean "s" and "L" sometimes just don't print when I've pushed them fine. I therefore read each word as I type, to see if that happens. Otherwie, I'm very bad at paying attention to what's written. Don't kick yourself too much. One sign of a good artist is paying attention to details...the ones that are important to them. Your art is in a photograph. Mine used to be in clay...don't know if I will go back to it or not. But for today, just forgive yourself. Or at least know that I do...

    1. It is kind of ironic that your “s” in “otherwise” did not print given your reply’s subject. :) I bought a new keyboard just this week because of similar sticky keys driving me crazy.

  3. I used to edit my posts but eventually gave up. If I did a proper job at it, I would be at it a lot longer and that is something I would rather not spend time doing. I am someone who mistypes and makes mistakes and if others want to judge me for that, so be it. If they want to point it out, I'm happy to make a correction but I have found over time, I think they know my thoughts on the subject and though my posts are riddled with errors, they are rarely pointed out to me. Perhaps that is the key AC, you let so few errors get by you that they then become much more noticeable.

  4. Sometimes when I re-read, I've used the same adjective a couple times and get bugged by that. I don't like sounding repetitive. I've done the same thing as you, or left out a common preposition because my mind put it in when it wasn't really there.

  5. Oh, my. This brought a chuckle out of me.

  6. I swear that somebody comes in after me and changes things. Not really, but it sure makes me feel weird when I find a typo after I had read a post three times! My eyes just fix it for me, I guess. :-)

  7. I excuse my poor editing by the fact that I often do my blog posts late at night. I often have errors even in the title.

  8. One of my aunts, a highly trained and very intelligent person, worked for a school board as the secretary. Shortly after switching from typewriter to keyboard she turned in a draft of minutes entitled 'Committee of the Whore'. Needless to say, her miserable niece teased her. A lot. It's the keyboard, right? It is semi-sentient and hates us.
    Nary ... a word out of place.

  9. Like you , I make the same mistakes. I try to edit carefully. I do like it when somebody catches a mistake. I find I make the most mistakes in the comments.

  10. Touching the Publish is a big step every time. It hasn’t gotten easier over the years either. Edit as much as I like, something always gets through. Oh well...

  11. I make a lot of mistakes. My biggest problem though is an infestation of commas. I pick those out like a nit picking gorilla.

  12. Happens to all of us--LOL! :)

  13. I write my posts a week at a time. If something else comes up I have to move posts around like I did with our January 6th day of infamy. And without a doubt, I always find errors or phrases that I feel could have been written better. I can't always catch them because I have to schedule them to be posted at midnight (Hawaii Time). The time difference makes a difference.
