Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Canada Day Fireworks

Monday was Canada Day in the Great White North. Except it is not white on July 01 but hot and buggy. 

I was well-covered from head to toe, but the nasties still swarmed my hands and face.

Also, since I hadn't used my camera much recently and hadn't photographed fireworks for a year, I made mistakes that I won't bother to describe here. What I did say to Sue afterward is that I might need more than 15 minutes of practice every year to do better.

The results were the same as the other years except that the bridge was lit, and I think it added a nice touch to the photos.

I just keep shooting and shooting because you can't really predict what you're going to get in a 4 second exposure, Here are 5 of the more than 100 photos. Due to my vantage point, I did much cropping.

As you can see, they targetted town hall very well. If I am around and mobile next year, I think I shall ignore the general context and just zoom in on the tower and sky above and, therefore, keep cropping to a minimum.

Meanwhile, I could easily do another fireworks post or two, and I may do just that.

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

If I Were a Dinking Man

"If I were a drinking man I'd be imbibing right now."

That is what I said to Sue around 10 o'clock yesterday morning after I catheterized solo for the first time. When I say solo, Sue had lined up the necessaries: catheter, lubricant, wash cloths, drying cloths etc. It was enough for me to concentrate on the actual process.

It doesn't exactly hurt, but it doesn't tickle either.

In this early-learning stage, the process is a bit tense. It does go against the grain to do that to oneself, so I guess the hurdle is more mentally challenging than physically taxing.

The nurse will drop by again today with more supplies and advice and so on and so forth. There will be more to write soon enough, but not too much. Regular programming will resume in due course. Please stay tuned to this channel.

Monday, July 01, 2024


I was having a discussion in my house with Sue and another woman when I decided to say, "Excuse me ladies, I think that I shall go put my pants on." 

This was not one of those naked dream situations. It was my reality. The similarity to my dreams, however, was that no one really noticed my nakedness. Not just then anyway. .

At the time of my declaration, we were all in our little bathroom. Sadie, the nurse, had come by to teach me how install an intermittent catheter: the kind one inserts temporarily and then removes once voiding has been accomplished.

You see, it was my first time at trying this, so I required some guidance from a competent medic. A helping hand as it were if you catch my drift.

When the deed was done and I had flowed and then ceased, there I remained sitting pantless whilst discussion ensued. When it came to the point that it was mostly Sue and Sadie discussing the general logistics of the equipment (not my personal equipment, you understand!)  that I excused myself for a minute so that I could don my pants.

This is how it goes in this stage of my life. I no longer feel shame. Or pride for that matter.

I suspect that a little more will need to be written about the whys and wherefores of this new part of my life, but I think I will leave it right there for today. If you don't mind.