Sunday, July 04, 2021

Photographing Reflections in Almonte

Earlier last week, I decided to check out the trail bridge over the [Canadian] Mississippi River in nearby Almonte (pronounced as Almont without the e). I was just scouting around for future photo ops when I noticed a lovely clump of common daylilies on the bank with a very fine reflection.

Disappointingly, those particular flowers were spent when I returned a few days later. It was early in the day, so perhaps, more flowers would bloom later, for they are DAYlilies after all, but they weren't there for me on that morning.

However, there were other reflections. They were not my first choice but were acceptable substitutes.

Many stairs lead down to the river on this ↑↑ property, and they are not even all in the reflection. Although you can see some daylilies and their reflections off to the right, the photogenic patch that I had seen earlier was somewhere off to the left.

Looking farther along, upriver, this little setting caught my eye.

There was one other interesting reflection ↓↓. 

It was good to get out again. Weather conditions had kept me from my sunrise photoshoots for almost two weeks. On this morning, I had been prepared to get out early again, but when I saw the cloud cover, I changed my mind. Even later, the breezes almost kept me home, but as you can see by the calm water in the photos, it wasn't an issue in this location.


  1. These are gorgeous reflections. That first photo made me do a double take.

  2. Very nice, except for me a headache! No. 2 is most pleasing.

  3. @Barbara

    You mean in photo 3? I agree that it is too blurry. I originally had a comment in the post to that effect but decided not to go there when I edited. If you mean reflections in general, that's just how they they work.

  4. Great photos! Too bad you could not get shots of the day flowers.

  5. I love the colors. Thank you.

  6. That first photo, OH MY! The reflections were so clear that I wasn't sure what I was seeing. I love photos like that. I accidentally took a decent shot at Mt Rainier at Reflection Lake. It is hard to do unless the water is very still.

  7. The one with the red and yellow pop is terrific!

  8. These reflections are certainly fun. I love to see such mirror events. :-)

  9. You're doing some hard work here to set up some photos.

  10. Terrific reflection shots.

  11. I always enjoyed chasing reflections, but I find you have to be able to maneuvre yourself into just the right position. These are great!

  12. Reflections are always so beautiful in still water like that--especially with the bright colors! :)

  13. So glad you are out and about and we get the fruit of it. Deerfly season up here and the caterpillars are rampant. Not much fun to photograph but that is what I have been doing.
    The second shot is sort of morning after at that. But great colour.

  14. I am partial to reflections!
